Miquel Missé, Paul Preciado, Elizabeth Duval and Lucas Platero are just some of the many trans voices keeping non-fiction in Spain alive today. Their texts span the great debates of our day: depathologization; the monolithic narrative of gender transition; hormones and surgery; binarism; cishet normativity; the intersection of race, class, nationality, disability or seropositivity; even the current ubiquity of all things ‘trans’ as a marketing buzzword. They are trans writers, of course, but they are also simply writers, full stop. 

As Missé writes in Transexualidades. Otras miradas posibles (Egales, 2013), the problem may be that the focus should not be on what is trans, but on transphobia. This argument is shared by Jack Halberstam (Trans*. Egales, 2018), Micah Rajunov and Scott Dunae (Nonbinary: Memoirs of Gender and Identity. Columbia University Press, 2019), the latter, with emphasis on those people who, contrary to all medical and social prognosis, do not feel like girls or boys. 



Missé i Sánchez, Miquel. Transexualidades: otras miradas posibles.

Barcelona: Editorial Egales, 2013

Missé i Sánchez, Miquel. A la conquista del cuerpo equivocado.

Barcelona; Madrid: Editorial Egales, S.L., 2018

Preciado, Paul B. Un Apartamento en Urano: crónicas del cruce.

Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama, 2019

Duval, Elizabeth. Después de lo trans: sexo y género entre la izquierda y lo identitario.

València: La Caja Books, 2021

Platero Méndez, Raquel Lucas. Intersecciones: cuerpos y sexualidades en la encrucijada: temas contemporáneos.

Barcelona : Edicions Bellaterra, 2012

Halberstam, Jack. Trans*: una guía rápida y peculiar de la variabilidad de género.

Barcelona: Editorial EGALES, S.L., 2018

Rajunov, Micah; Dunae, A. Scott. Nonbinary: memoirs of gender and identity.

New York: Columbia University Press, 2019