Activities document


A personalized document listing all the training activities you will carry out while completing your doctoral thesis.

This document is your responsibility and is part of the documentation that you must present for the annual assessment.

The student's Activities Document consists of the compulsory training activities required in the doctoral programme, and any other complementary activities that are of interest for the completion of the thesis.

 Please note

The tutor/supervisor must authorize the academic activities (in the IT module).


Research plan


A personalized document including the methodology to be used, objectives, resources and planning for the completion of the thesis. As progress is made on the thesis, it can also be the document where the results of the research are compiled.

This document is  your responsibility and is part of the documentation that you must present for the annual assessment


The one established by the Academic Comission of the Doctoral programme within a year from the date of the first registration. This research plan will be completed during the student's stage in the doctoral programme.  
You can contact your secretarial support office to obtain more information on the presentation dates.

 Please note

The Research Plan must be regularly reviewed and endorsed by the supervisor/tutor throughout the academic year
