Center: Centre Termisul. Universidad de Río Grande do Sul 
Place: Porto Alegre Country: Brasil 
Year: 2015 Duration: 2 months 
Subject: Postdoctoral stay. Invited teacher with CNPq grant

Center: Institut für Machinelle Sprachvevarbeitung (IMS). Universitat de Stuttgart 
Place: Stuttgart Country: Alemania 
Year: 2002 Duration: 2 months 
Subject: Postdoctoral stay: Terminology extraction and tools for corpus processing

Center: Centre Termisul. Universidad de Río Grande do Sul 
Place: Porto Alegre Country: Brasil 
Year: 2000 Duration: 3 months 
Subject: Postdoctoral stay: Specialized dictionnaries of interdisciplinary topics

Center: Centre SILEX (CNRS). Universidad Charles de Gaulle-Lille III 
Place: Lille Country: Francia 
Year: 1995 Duration: 3 months 
Subject: PhD stay: Deeping on mophological aspects of constructed words