Planetary Wellbeing is understood as an extension of the concept of Planetary Health to a wider range of areas related to wellbeing, emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary work between social sciences, humanities, life sciences and technology. In this sense, individual and social well-being becomes a general objective of society, with a multidimensional nature that includes wealth, equity, environment and other public goods, such as health and education.

UPF promotes transversal, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary action in the field of Planetary Wellbeing and aims to contribute to the knowledge and understanding of the complex, interrelated and systemic problems facing human, animal and planetary wellbeing as a global ecosystem, and to the identification of integrated, innovative and interdisciplinary solutions to these problems.

UPF- Barcelona School of Management considers of interest to contribute to knowledge and promote research to transform the environment, society and the planet, with a critical, scientific and socially committed approach.

ESCI-UPF considers of interest to contribute to the knowledge and promote research and dissemination of studies, facing the challenges of sustainability, that transform the world towards a better situation and can be applicable to mitigate climate change, through the UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change.

Prize for Best Master's Degree Final Project (TFM) on Planetary Wellbeing is jointly organized by the UPF, the UPF-BSM and the UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change ESCI-UPF.



Call for applications 2023

New: Resolution of the call 2023

Do you have any doubts?

  • Contact us by email [email protected]  In the subject box, type "Premi TFM en Benestar Planetari".