Before the RAIN

The backstage of the +RAIN Film Fest: conversations and creative process openings

Auditori Campus del Poblenou

June 13, 2023. De 15.00 a 20.30

Before the Rain is the Backstage of +RAIN Film Festival, an opening of creation processes with AI and dialogue with its creators. It is organized by the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona and will have the participation of academics and experts in generative artificial intelligence applied to literature and audiovisual narrative.

Direction: Frederic Guerrero-Solé
Coordination: Teresa Roig, Jordi Balló, Andrea Olmedo, Alan Salvadó, Jorge Caballero, Anna Giralt, Laura Mas, Margot Mecca i Àlex Valverde.




  • 3 pm. Presentation of the event by Jordi Balló, Teresa Roig and Frederic Guerrero-Solé.

  • 3.05 pm. Presentation by Bruno Vianna (artist and researcher): AI and the poetics of autopoiesis.

  • 3.30 pm. Presentation by Víctor Pérez ( AI assisted creative tools

  • 4.15pm RAYOS Y CENTELLAS. The world of comics facing the challenge of AI, with Carlos Scolari (Researcher UPF), Ivan Pintor (Researcher UPF), Marta Cartu (Artist and comic author) and Kiko Saez de Adana (Researcher University of Alcalá).

  • 5.00 pm. Lev Manovich, visual artist, writer and theorist of digital culture, presents Artificial Aesthetics? Looking at AI Media Through the Lens of Art History (online).

  • 5.45 pm. Taller Estampa (transdisciplinary collective) will work on the process of creating the image of the +RAIN Film Festival. Co-authors of The Electromagnetic Fields. Theories and practices of artificial writing (Black Box).  

  • 6.00 pm. Artefacto (Jorge Caballero and Anna Giralt Gris). How to make a movie with artificial intelligence about rain in times of drought? This is the starting point of generative RAIN, a proposal that intersects cinema, artificial intelligence and rainfall data from the city of Barcelona.  

  • 6.10 pm. Presentation by Jorge Carrión (Writer, cultural critic, co-director of the Màster en Creació Literària UPF-BSM): GPT4 and the transformation of the concept of script. Co-author of Los campos electromagnéticos. Theories and practices of artificial writing (Black Box).

  • 6.45 - 8.30 pm. Elías León Siminiani (screenwriter, director and film producer), Fabián Caba (ML Engineer at Adobe) and Jorge Caballero (Filmmaker and researcher at Artefacto) present Editing On Stage, live editing with AI:

    Editing of "Síndrome de los quietos" with Adobe BLINK.
    Text-video editing both from the transcribed sound as if editing a text with a word processor, as well as identifying objects or concepts from the material.

    Editing of "Emotional Architecture 1959" with VIDEOMAP.
    Non-linear video interface that encodes the frames in a latent space and classifies them by proximity, common characteristics or other editable interrelationships and allows to establish search "lens" by criteria of linkability between sequences, among others.

The programme will be in Catalan or Spanish except for the speeches of Víctor Pérez and Lev Manovich, which will be in English.