Space where research, art, entrepreneurship, industry and society intersect around creation with emerging technologies.

AI & Blockchain Creatives Summit

Space: Room+D. Fira Montjuïc Congress Palace
June 14, 2024, from 10:00 to 2:00 pm

The sessions will be in English

To access, entry to Sónar+D is essential.
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The aim of these sessions is to shed a light on emerging talent that research, create, and embark on initatives in these fields, as well as to debate the relationship between creativity and emerging technologies; the ethical use of AI; copyright or the role of Web3 in the cultural and creative industries.

Emerging companies and spinoffs will be presented that develop technology and digital tools for the cultural industry and creative projects. 

These sessions aim to foster interaction between entrepreneurs, creators, investors, accelerators and incubators and professionals in these industries. A space for new relationships, initiatives, proposals and projects to emerge.

The Summit consists of two sessions that revolve around creativity and emerging technologies: Cinema & AI and Web3 and Expanded media.

AI & Blockchain Creatives Summit Direction: Andrea Faroppa and Teresa Roig
Curators: Antònia Folguera and Andrea Olmedo

Session director "Cinema & AI and Web3":Jorge Caballero
Session director "Expanded Media": Roc Parés