Back 21/11/2018 Lecture | The European Pillar of Social Rights: The next step towards Social Europe?, by Mark Jeffery

21/11/2018 Lecture | The European Pillar of Social Rights: The next step towards Social Europe?, by Mark Jeffery

4th Annual Lecture on European Union Governance 



We invite you to the 4th Annual Lecture on European Union Governance 

The European Pillar of Social Rights: The next step towards Social Europe?

Speaker: Mark Jeffery, European Commission Representation in Barcelona

The European Pillar of Social Rights

In November 2017 the European Pillar of Social Rights was proclaimed at the Gothenburg Social Summit. This document collects a list of 20 articles that include different rights in three areas: equality of opportunities, fair conditions of work, social protection and inclusion. In this way, the European Union develops some inspiring principles with which the future of the Union must be guided to bring it closer to the disenchanted citizens, especially after the impact of the economic crisis.

This document was the result of the concern that arose in the Union during the last years regarding the necessity of intensifying the dimension of the social Europe. After the economic crisis, many voices emerged criticizing the Union as an institution that cared only about economic interests and not so much about its citizens. Therefore, in recent years it has become a priority to deepen a more social Europe capable of reaching its citizens and thus recover lost legitimacy. In 2017, the Commission published its report on the future of the social dimension of Europe in which it described possible futures in this area. The Commission proposed to increase the dimension of social Europe, which is currently in the hands of the States. According to the report, only 0.3% of the European budget is focused on social Europe. That is why increasing this percentage, intensifying coordination among States and promoting truly binding social rights at the European level are a priority for the future of the Union.

What is the meaning of the European Pillar of Social Rights? Should the States have the obligation to adopt it in their legal systems? Can a more social Europe approach to citizens and gain legitimacy? These are some questions that this lecture will address.


Date: 21/11/18

Time: 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

Place: Room 40.012 (Roger de Llúria Building, basement) | Universitat Pompeu Fabra | Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27, Barcelona



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SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

Els ODS a la UPF
