
Admission to the body of full professors implies the promotion of associate professors

Pompeu Fabra University does not recruit new associate professors, but guarantees the possible promotion of them.

Competitive admission process

Competitive process for admission to the body of university (full) professors.

Requirements for participation:

  • To have an accreditation for admission to the body of full professors.
  • Or belong to the body of full professors, either active or on leave of absence.
Promotional competition

Competition aimed at promoting university tenured lecturers. The only difference from the admission competition is that public employees of the body of university full professors cannot apply.

Requirements for participation:

  • To have an accreditation for admission to the body of full professors.
  • To have rendered at least two years of effective service in the body of associate professors.
Mobility competition

The University may hold competitions for the mobility of public employees of other universities. Participation is reserved for full professors of other universities.

Appointment of public employees

Full professors are civil servants of the State teaching body.

They keep the same MUFACE/pension fund or Social Security regime as they had as associate professors.


The full-time job does not allow any other activity.