

Memòria Econòmica de Catalunya 2020 (includes the Informe Anual de l’Empresa Catalana) (CAT)

Directed by the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, carried out in collaboration with the Catalan Chambers of Commerce and published annually by the Council of Chambers of Catalonia, this publication offers a global view of the Catalan economy and its territory.

Detecting Accounting Fraud Before It′s Too Late (The Wiley Finance Series) (2019) (ENG)

This book is a comprehensive guide to detecting accounting fraud for auditors investigating accounting fraud and analysts/managers seeking to prevent it. A wide variety of warning signs are described, as are several techniques for detecting and addressing fraud.

Eufòria i pànic (2009) (CAT) / Euforia y pánico (4a ed. 2021) (ESP)

This book analyses the major economic breakdown and crises that have occurred throughout history. Its aim is to propose different strategies and measures to avoid losses and maximize profit. Available in Catalan and in Spanish.

L’ampolla mig plena (2021) (CAT) / La botella medio llena (2021) (ESP)

Throughout history, several significant economic crises have been document. Although each crisis is different, there are some patterns that are repeated, especially in the phases following the moment that the crisis reaches its peak. L'ampolla mig plena presents lessons we can learn from people, organisations and countries have survived these crises, taking into account that the objective is to generate well-being and build a worthwhile world which is better than the world we inherited. Available in Catalan.

Renda Bàsica Universal. Anàlisi d’una proposta disruptiva d’innovació social (2019) (CAT)

This study deals with the Universal Basic Income (RBU) which is a social welfare program according to which every citizen of a country (usually every adult citizen) receives an unconditional income, independent of their employment situation (whether they work or not) and independent of any other income or assets.


Empreses que menteixen (2017) (CAT) / Empresas que mienten (2019) (ESP) 

To make financial decisions, it is essential to have all the financial information of the companies. However, accounting problems happen too often. This  book describes and analyzes the nature of accounting make-ups and their motivations and proposes various techniques to detect these practices. At the end of the book, the author makes a series of proposals to reduce accounting fraud.


La transformació econòmica de Lleida. Resum executiu i estudi complet (2019) (CAT)

This work, commissioned by Forum Empresa, aims to study the economic transformation of Lleida, addressing its reality and future prospects. For its realization has had the collaboration of many companies in Lleida, the University of Lleida and other entities in the territory.



Anàlisi integral d’empreses (2018) (Catalan version) / Análisis integral de empresas (2018) (Spanish version)

Using comprehensive analysis, we can achieve clear view of a company’s qualitative factors (people, strategy, operations) and its quantitative factors related to their annual accounts (patrimonial, financial and economic situation). In doing so, we can diagnose their strengths and weaknesses in different areas. Available in Catalan.

Memòria Econòmica de Catalunya 2017 (includes the Informe Anual de l’Empresa Catalana) (CAT)

Directed by the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, carried out in collaboration with the Catalan Chambers of Commerce and published annually by the Council of Chambers of Catalonia, this publication offers a global view of the Catalan economy and its territory.



Manual de análisis de empresas cotizadas (2017)

This manual exposes the concepts and techniques one should aim to master in order to analyse companies that are listed on the stock exchange. Available in Spanish.

Avançant: claus per sobreviure i créixer (2013) (CAT) / Avanzando: claves para sobrevivir y crecer (2013) (ESP)

It is not easy to create a company, harder still is to ensure its survival and growth over the years. The main purpose of this book is to expose key factors that lead to maintained success over the years. It details good practices in relation to the human team behind a company, design and the improvement of the business model. It also details the main causes of business failure. Practical cases studies of companies from different sectors are included in most of the topics discussed in order to better visualise the proposals for improvement that are made. Available in Catalan.

Aprendre a ensenyar: una visió pràctica de la formació de formadors (2012) (CAT) / Aprender a enseñar: una visión práctica de la formación de formadores (2012) (ESP)

How to teach so that the students learn. This is the aim of the book, which is designed for teachers who want to improve the quality of their teaching. Available in Catalan and Spanish.

La Bolsa. Funcionamiento y técnicas para invertir (2000) (ESP)

This book is written having in mind the needs of people not initiated in the stock market but who are interested in the matter. It discusses the keys to understanding how the stock market works, the various techniques of stock market analysis, what is the right time to invest and sell, or how to choose the companies that have the best prospects.