Back Voting is available for the Neologisme de l’any 2023

Voting is available for the Neologisme de l’any 2023


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The Observatori de Neologia from Universitat Pompeu Fabra, alongside the Secció Filològica from IEC, TERMCAT and 3Cat have set in motion today the tenth edition of the Neologisme de l’any campaign. This year there is a significant change, as there will be two lists available: ‘la paraula nova’, made up of words that are representative of the year, and ‘la paraula corrent’, with words that aren’t new at all and are very instilled in society. To be able to vote, visit the website and fill out the form.

In the ‘la paraula nova’ category, you can vote for one of these words: bot, ecoansietat, gazià -ana, grassofòbia, hipersexualització, nit tropical, refugi climàtic, sexoafectiu -iva, superilla, viralitzar. And in the ‘la paraula corrent’ category, you can vote for a word from the following list: bici, brutal, friqui, gorro, guai, plataforma, porno, quiròfan, tiet, xarxa social.



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