Back Paraules per a la igualtat moves to Escolab

Paraules per a la igualtat moves to Escolab


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The Observatori de Neologia has started up the Paraules per a la igualtat workshop in the Escolab platform. In these two-hour sessions, they carry out a workshop on lexicon and neology in the field of equality and the students also get the chance to visit de Poblenou campus. Any 4th of ESO or Baccalaureate group can sign up through the platform.

The workshop kicks off by reviewing what a neologism is and the projects the Observatori develops, and then a series of dynamic activities are carried out, in which the students get to work with gender equality and gender identity terms, such as micromasclisme, revictimització, mansplaining o no binari no binària. Through these activities, they are encouraged to reflect on the importance of these concepts and their presence in the dictionaries.



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