Back A new online Spanish dictionary: the Antenario

A new online Spanish dictionary: the Antenario

The Spanish neology network Antenas Neológicas presents a new online lexicographical tool


On the occasion of the celebration of the 15th anniversary of its creation, the Antenas Neológicas network, coordinated by the Observatori de Neologia at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, announces the launch of a new lexicographical resource: the Antenario, online dictionary of neologisms of the Spanish varieties.
In the Antenario you can find those words present in current use but still absent in reference dictionaries. Each neologism is accompanied by definition, contexts of use and other linguistic and pragmatic information.
The Antenario comes to light with 50 neologisms and each month will increase its nomenclature with 25 new entries.
We hope that it has a good reception among researchers from the Hispanic world and the general public.



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