Gomez Puertas, Lorena
PhD in Social Communication (2010) and Bachelor in Audiovisual Communication (2000) at Pompeu Fabra University Barcelona.
As a Lecturer at the Department of Communication at Pompeu Fabra University Barcelona, since 2001 is teaching Theories of Communication, Public Opinion and Political Communication, or Content Analysis and Discourse Analysis, for Degrees in Journalism, Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Public Relations, Political Sciences or Criminology, and Master in Social Communication or Master in Political and Institutional Communication (Barcelona School of Management UPF).
During the last fifteen years she has worked in competitive projects related to political and institutional communication, mechanisms of citizenship construction by media discourses, representation and interpretation of audiovisual discourses about immigration, youth and gender, or tourist communication with new technologies. She is author of various chapters of books in relevant specialized editorials and also articles in indexed international journals.
She has been visiting researcher at Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociologia de la Università degli Studi di Firenze and also at the center of research belonging to European Audiovisual Observatory, Eurofiction (OFI, Roma). Her main research lines are focused on media discourses of social issues.
Research lines
- Social and media discourses (social themes, television fiction)
- Public opinion, citizenship and media (gender, youth and immigration)
- Political communication (rhetorical and semiotic analysis)