Back Pires De Sa, Fernanda (2)


Departament de Comunicació
Unitat Suport Grups de Recerca de Comunicació

Fernanda Pires de Sá is a postdoctoral researcher fellow Juan de la Cierva formación at the MEDIUM Research Group. She is interested in research that increases digital inclusion, transmedia literacy, participation within the new media ecology.

She holds a Ph.D. with an international mention in Information and Knowledge Society from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya - IN3, where she researched television and new media practices, such as connected co-viewing and user-generated content practices in instant messaging apps and social media. She is expert in qualitative methods, such as digital ethnography and case study.

She has been a visiting researcher at RMIT (Melbourne, Australia) and USP (São Paulo, Brazil).

She has worked on research projects on media literacy, creation of collaborative narratives, gamification, narratives oriented to the future, and on selfies. She has published in journals such as Television & New Media, Convergence, The Catalan Journal of Communication and Cultural Studies, Comunicação e Sociedade among others.


Research Interests:

- co-viewing  and audience studies

- transmedia literacy

- popular culture

- media ecology

- social practices

- qualitative methods

- digital storytelling