
Defence of the Master's Degree Final Project (15 ECTS credits).

Project supervision proposal: Before April 10th of every academic year (see specific date in every year's coursework hand-in and assessment calendar) the student will have to hand the supervisor proposal of the Final Project to the Institute of Culture secretariat. 

The contact between a student and their supervisor should start well before the 10th of April (see specific date in every year's hand-in and assessment calendar), since in order to be able to formally accept the supervision of the Project, the supervisor should have received a written proposal containing its title, an outline or possible index of the project, and a summary or an abstract of 2 or 3 pages before that date, so that the supervision agreement is based on a project and objectives that are previously defined.

Receiving this proposal will be an essential condition in order to accept supervision. Before May 15th (see specific date in every year's hand-in and assessment calendar), the student will have to present the supervisor a first outline of the project in order to be revised by the supervisor so that the complete Project is ready to be submitted in June, in order to be defenced by the beginning of July.

The final decision about when the Project is ready to be submitted is up to the supervisor.

Submission deadline: June/July (see specific date in every year's hand-in and assessment calendar).

Project presentation place: [email protected] Institute of Culture (IUC) secretariat (office 20.271). Besides the project, the student must also submit the project submission form, filled and signed by the supervisor of the project.

Length: between 60 and 75 pages (maximum), preferably double-sided and double-spaced. The bibliography types suitable to be included in this length are only a list of quoted works or a commented bibliography. Simple bibliography lists do not count as a part of the project. 

Number of copies: Three printed copies (one for the project supervisor; two for two members of the assessment board) and twdigital copies: one .doc Word document and one .pdf document (you can submit them in a pendrive when submitting your project or you can share them in a DRIVE folder with your full name with: [email protected])

Format: the project has to be binded and must contain the following information in its cover:

  • Title of the project
  • Author
  • Supervisor
  • Name of the master
  • Academic year
  • Submission date

Defence of the project: The act of project defence will be public. The project can be defended before summer holidays or in September, in dates determined every year (see specific date in every year's coursework hand-in and assessment calendar), before the end of the period of transcripts.

The act of defence will consist of a presentation by the student that will last a maximum of 10 minutes. Afterwards, the assessment board will comment and ask questions, all of which the student will answer at the end.

In exceptional circumstances, if the situation of the student requires it, they can ask the master coordinators, with previous approval of the project supervisor, to defence the project in the first or second term.


  • Assessment board arrangement: the board will be made up of a minimum of three members, who must be doctor lecturers from the UPF or another university or institution. In sessions with more than one project defence, the board members will not change. 
  • Summoning of the board and spreading: the secretariat will send the board members a copy of the project along with the electronic summoning, of which a copy will be sent to the student. The defence spreading will be made with an email message to all people registered in the master and with the defence publication in the Master's website.
  • Evaluation: each of the three assessment board members will fill a short assessment individual report, and the grade will be agreed between the three of them. After the defence, the board president will hand the transcript, signed by the board members, to the IUC secretariat. The board will individually inform the student of the grade.

The academic regulation of the official UPF masters establish that there is only one summoning each academic year for every subject or training activity.

Explanation about the project supervisor: the lecturer assigned as a tutor when being admitted to the master will not necessarily be the supervisor of the project.

Reference standards

University Master's Degree academic regulation
(Acord del Consell de Govern de 6 de febrer del 2013 modificat per acord del Consell de Govern d'11 de desembre del 2019 i per acord de Consell de Govern de 26 d'octubre del 2022)

Continuance rules
(Agreement of the Board of Trustees, May 25th 2006; modified by agreement of the Board of Trustees, May 13th 2008)


Els treballs de fi de màster que hagin obtingut una qualificació d'Excel·lent (9,0-10) podran publicar-se, si així ho desitja l'autor/a del treball al Repositori Digital de la UPF.

Per poder publicar el treball cal  que els/les autors/es omplin l'autorització mitjançant la PAE:, on han de triar quin tipus de llicència volen aplicar al seu TFM