Back Around 25 teachers participate in the EDvolución Research on preparation tasks for future learning, coordinated by the UPF Learning Laboratory

Around 25 teachers participate in the EDvolución Research on preparation tasks for future learning, coordinated by the UPF Learning Laboratory



The EDvolució common educational framework aims to improve the learning of our students, generating deeper, more lasting, effective and socially committed learning. 

Educational research is providing increasing evidence on the relevance of future learning preparation tasks for better learning. These future learning tasks are those that prepare the student for new learning and are carried out before the direct instruction by the faculty. They typically involve the activation of prior knowledge, the exploration of new ideas, the emergence of confusion, or a productive failure that will foster effective learning in future learning actions, illuminating and consolidating learning. Examples of preparation tasks for future learning are tasks on readings and videos prior to class sessions (in a flipped classroom format), or the identification of problems, the review of examples, or the generation of own explanations about certain concepts before working on them in the classroom.

Institutional research about EDvolució also wants to contribute to the generation of knowledge in this line so that it can be transferred to the overall improvement of teaching at UPF. Around 25 teachers participate in the “Research EDvolució” on preparation tasks for future learning, coordinated by the UPF Learning Lab. These teachers are working on the design of future learning activities and evaluating their impact on improving student learning.

The implementation of EDvolució in the learning plans of the subjects highlights this relevant role of tasks preparing for future learning.



SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

04. Quality education
Els ODS a la UPF
