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Baseer I, Valverde I, Moustafa AH, Blat J, Camara O. Evaluation of cinematic volume rendering open-source and commercial solutions for the exploration of congenital heart data. Dins: -. Proceedings - 2023 IEEE Visualization Conference - Short Papers, VIS 2023. 2023. p. 76-80.

Vandeghinste V, Shterionov D, De Sisto M, Brady A, De Coster M, Leeson L, Blat J, Picron F, Scipioni MP, Parikh A, ten Bosch L, O¿Flaherty J, Dambre J, Rijckaert J, Vanroy B, Nogales VU, Egea Gomez S, Schuurman I, Labaka G, Núñez-Marcos A, Murtagh I, McGill E, Saggion H. SignON Sign Language Translation: Progress and Challenges. Dins: -. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, EAMT 2023. 2023. p. 501-502.

Murtagh I, Nogales, VU, Blat J. Sign Language Machine Translation and the Sign Language Lexicon: A Linguistically Informed Approach. Dins: Duh K, Guzman F, Richardson S (chairs). Proceedings AMTA 2022. Orlando: Association for Machine Translation in the Americas; 2022. p. 240-251.

Shterionov D, De Sisto M, Vandeghinste V, Brady A, De Coster M, Leeson L, Blat J, Picron F, Scipioni MP, Parikh A, Ten Bosch L, O'Flaherty J, Dambre J, Rijckaert J. Sign Language Traation: Ongoing Development, Challenges and Innovations in the SignON Project. Dins: Moniz H, Macken L, Rufener A, Barrault L, Costa-jussà MR, Declercq C, Koponen M, Kemp E, Pilos S, Forcada ML, Scarton C, Van den Bogaert J, Daems J, Tezcan A, Vanroy B, Fonteyne M (eds.). Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT 2022). European Association for Machine Translation; 2022. p. 325-326.

Shterionov D, De Sisto M, Vandeghinste V, Brady A, De Coster M, Leeson L, Blat J, Picron F, Scipioni MP, Parikh A, ten Bosh L, O¿Flaherty J, Dambre J, Rijckaer J. Sign Language Translation: Ongoing Development, Challenges and Innovations in the SignON Project. Dins: Moniz H, Macken L, Rufener A, Barrault L, Costa-jussà MR, Declercq C, Koponen M, Kemp E, Pilos S, Forcada ML, Scarton C, Van den Bogaert J, Daems J, Tezcan A, Vanroy B, Fonteyne M (eds.). Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT 2022). European Association for Machine Translation; 2022. p. 325-326.

Sayago S, Blanco-Arnau P, Blat J. 3D Modeling and Printing with Vulnerable Adults: A Participant Observational Study with Immigrants and Low-Literate Older People. Dins: Molina-Tanco L, Manresa-Yee C, Gonzalez-Gonzalez C, Montalvo-Gallego B, Reyes-Lecuona A. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. Association for Computing Machinery; 2021.

Sayago S.; Blat J.; Barbosa Neves B.. At the Intersection of Digital Games, Gender, and Age: A Participant Observational Study with Active Older Women. Dins: Mirza-Babae Pi, McArthur V (eds.). CHI PLAY '20: Extended Abstracts of the 2020 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play. New York: Association for Computing Machinery; 2020. p. 360-364.

Llorach G, Blat J. Say Hi to Eliza. An Embodied Conversational Agent on the Web. Dins: Beskow J, Peters C, Castellano G, O'Sullivan C, Leite I, Kopp S (eds.). Intelligent Virtual Agents. IVA 2017. Springer; 2017. p. 255-258.

Marichal S.; Bakala E.; Rosales A.; Perilli F.; Sansone G.; Blat J.; Pires A.. CETA: open, affordable and portable mixed-reality environment for low-cost tablets. Dins: AA.VV.. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. New York: ACM; 2017.

Marichal S.; Rosales A.; Perilli F.G.; Pires A.C.; Bakala E.; Sansone G.; Blat J.. CETA: designing mixed-reality tangible interaction to enhance mathematical learning. Dins: AA.VV.. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. New York: ACM; 2017.

Pezzatini D.; Yague C.; Rudenick P.; Blat J.; Bijnens B.; Camara O.. A web-based tool for cardiac dyssynchrony assessment on ultrasound data. Dins: -. Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medic 2017. 2017. p. 137-142.

Wanner L, André E, Blat J, Dasiopoulou S, Farrús M, Fraga T, Kamateri E, Lingenfelser, F, Llorach G, Martínez O, Meditskos G, Mille S, Minker W, Pragst L, Schiller D, Stam A, Stellingwerff L, Sukno F, Vieru B. KRISTINA: A Knowledge-Based Virtual Conversation Agent. Dins: Demazeau Y., Davidsson P., Bajo J., Vale Z. (eds). Advances in Practical Applications of Cyber-Physical Multi-Agent Systems: The PAAMS Collection: 15th International Conference, PAAMS 2017, Porto, Portugal, June 21-23, 2017, Proceedings. Springer, Cham; 2017. p. 284-295.

Colas J.; Tapscott A.; Righi V.; Moghnieh A.; Blat J.. Yoway: Coupling Narrative Structure with Physical Exploration in Multi-Linear Locative Narratives. Dins: -. 8th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications. 2016.

Llorach G.; Evans A.; Blat J.; Grimm G.; Hohmann V.. Web-Based Live Speech-Driven Lip-Sync. Dins: -. 8th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications. 2016. p. 1-1.

Wanner L.; Blat J.; Dasiopoulou S.; Dominguez M.; Llorach G.; Mille S.; Sukno F.; Kamateri E.; Vrochidis S.; Kompatsiaris I.; Andre E.; Lingenfelser F.; Mehlmann G.; Stam A.; Stellingwerff L.; Vieru B.; Lamel L.; Minker W.; Pragst L.; Ultes S.. Towards a Multimedia Knowledge-Based Agent with Social Competence and Human Interaction Capabilities. Dins: AA.VV.. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multimedia Analysis and Retrieval for Multimodal Interaction. ACM; 2016. p. 21-26.

Ahire A.L.; Evans A.; Blat J.. Animation on the web: a survey. Dins: Jia J, Hamza-Lup FG, Schreck T. Web3D '15 Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on 3D Web Technology. ACM; 2015. p. 249-257.

Blat J.; Evans A.; Agenjo J.; Kim H.; Imre E.; Hilton A.; Tefas A.; Nikolaidis N.; Pitas I.; Polok L.; Smrz P.; Zemcik P.. IMPART: Big media data processing and analysis for film production. Dins: -. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICME Workshops 2015). IEEE; 2015. p. 1-5.

Colás J, Tapscott A, Moghnieh A, Blat J. An interaction model based on Narrative Programs to improve understanding and contribution to non-linear narratives. Dins: AA.VV.. MMEDIA 2015 The Seventh International Conferences on Advances in Multimedia. 2015. p. 54-60.

Evans A, Agenjo J, Blat J. Combined 2D and 3D web-based visualisation of on-set big media d. Dins: AA.VV.. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) IEEE; 2015. p. 1120-1124.

Evans A.; Agenjo J.; Blat J.. Hybrid visualisation of digital production big data. Dins: Jia J, Hamza-Lup FG, Schreck T. Web3D '15 Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on 3D Web Technology. ACM; 2015. p. 69-72.