C. V.
Josep Blat, professor of Computer Science, at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) since 1998 where he is currently director of the Departament de Tecnologia. He was previously at Universitat de les Illes Balears where he was head of its Dpt of Maths & Computer Science from 1988 till 1994. He graduated from Universitat de València in 1979, got his Ph D (Mathematics) at Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh) in 1985 and has developed post-doctoral work at Université Paris-Dauphine where he has been visiting professor.
After his initial research work in Applied Nonlinear Analysis, he passed to modelling and mathematical analysis of images (collective prize Philip Morris France 1991). His current research interests include cooperative environments; intelligent web portals; educational telematics; multimedia and GIS; computational educational toys; advanced 3D graphics (human modelling and animation).
He has developed research and development in the frame of the European programmes HCM (MMIP), ESPRIT (CHARM, NEMESIS, éTui), RACE (MONALISA), TMR (PAVR), TAP (KAMP, MINTour, MAID, EuroIEMaster), BIOMED (MIAS). He has also taken part in several IMPACT, COMETT, Media Investment Club, TEMPUS, DGXXIII supported programmes. Current research projects in FP5 include Link3D, the CHIPS research network, and SpeedFX in IST; and the SCOPE project (eContent).
He has coordinated an important production of Computer Animation and Interactive Multimedia materials, with partial Spanish and European funding and has been director of two widely awarded European Masters at UIB, ISCA and IMM. He is currently co-director of two IDEC-UPF postgraduate programmes, in Computer Animation, and Videogames Design and Programming. He has been member of the Information Engineering research panel, of the Committee for the Applications of Mathematics of the European Mathematical Society, and in 1991-92 he was member of the Board of Administrators of CITE-UETP.