Book Chapters
Tapscott A, Colàs J, Blat J. Collaboration Models in Online Fiction-Writing Communities. Dins: Filimowicz M, Tzankova V (eds.). Reimagining Communication: Action. New York: Routledge; 2020. p. 223-246. |
Llorach G, Agenjo J, Blat J, Sayago S. Web-Based Embodied Conversational Agents and Older People. Dins: Sayago S(ed.). Perspectives on human-computer interaction research with older people. Springer, Cham; 2019. p. 119-135. |
Marichal S.; Rosales A.; Sansone G.; Pires A.C.; Bakala E.; Perilli F.G.; Fleischer B.; Blat J.. LETSMath. Dins: Association for Computing Machinery. MobileHCI 18- Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. 2018. p. 313-320. |
Ferreira SM, Sayago S, Blat J. Learning in Later Life While Engaging in Cross-Generational Digital Content Creation and Playful Educational Activities. Dins: Romero M, Sawchuk K, Blat J, Sayago S, Ouellet H (eds.). Game-Based Learning Across the Lifespan. Advances in Game-Based Learning. Springer; 2017. p. 115-129. |
Sayago S.; Righi V.; Ferreira S.; Rosales A.; Blat J.. Tales of the map of my mobile life: Intergenerational computer-mediated communication between older people and fieldworkers in their early adulthood. Dins: Murray L, Robertson S. Intergenerational Mobilities. Relationality, age and lifecourse London: Routledge; 2017. p. 54-64. |
Yoshimura Y, Amini A, Sobolevsky S, Blat J, Ratti C. Analysis of Customers' Spatial Distribution Through Transaction Datasets. Dins: Hameurlain A. (eds.). Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXVII. Springer; 2016. p. 177-189. |
Hernandez-Leo D.; Moreno P.; Carrio M.; Chacon J.; Blat J.. LdShake and the 'Biologia en Context' Teacher Community across High Schools. Dins: Maina M, Craft B, Mor Y. The Art & Science of Learning Design. Rotterdam: 2015. p. 195-210. |
Santos P.; Hernandez-Leo D.; Navarrete T.; Blat J.. Pattern: E-geo-assessment. Dins: Yishay Mor, Harvey Mellar, Steven Warburton, Niall Winters (eds.). Practical Design Patterns for Teaching and Learning with Technology Rotterdam: Sense Publishers; 2014. p. 305-310. |
Santos P.; Hernandez-Leo D.; Navarrete T.; Blat J.. Design Narrative: Assessment of Geographical Skills Using Interactive Maps in an E-Questionnaire. Dins: Yishay Mor, Harvey Mellar, Steven Warburton, Niall Winters (eds.). Practical Design Patterns for Teaching and Learning with Technology Rotterdam: Sense Publishers; 2014. p. 255-261. |
Hernandez-Leo, D.; Moreno, P.; Carrió, M.; Chacón, J.; Blat, J. LdShake and the "Biologia en Context" teachers community across high schools . Dins: Mor, Y.; Craft, B. (ed.) Sense Publisher. The Art and Science of Learning Design. Springer; 2013. |
Santos, P.; Hernández-Leo, D.; Navarrete, T.; Blat, J.. Computer assisted assessment patterns for different target users: the case of multimedia questionnaires. Dins: Kohls, C; Wedekind, J.. Investigations of e-learning patterns: context factors, problems and solutions. IGI Global Publishing; 2011. p. 220-236. |
Moghnieh A.; Sayago S.; Arroyo E.; Sopi G.; Blat J.. Parameterized User-Centered Design for Interacting with Multimedia Repositories. Dins: AAVV. Proceedings of The First International Conference on Advances in Multimedia (Mmedia). Colmar: 2009. p. 130-135. |
Sayago S, Blat J. Life experience and socialisation in some HCI methods with older people. Dins: Ashleigh-Jane Thompson; Elizabeth A. Kemp (eds). Proceedings of the 10th International Conference NZ Chapter of the ACM's Special Interest Group on Human-Computer Interaction. New York: ACM; 2009. p. 124-126. |
Sayago, S.; Blat, J.. Older People and ICT: Towards Understanding Real-Life Usability and Experiences Created in Everyday Interactions with Interactive Technologies. Dins: Stephanidis, Consantine (ed). Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Adressing Diversity, 5th International Conference, UAHCI 2009. New York: Springer; 2009. p. 154-163. |
Xiao P, Arroyo E, Blat J. Construct Connotation Dictionary of Visual Symbols. Dins: Huang M, Nguyen Q, Zhang K (eds.). Visual Information Communication. Boston: Springer; 2009. p. 119-134. |
Sayago S, Blat J. A preliminary usability evaluation of three strategies for seeking online information with elderly people. Dins: AAVV. Proceedings of the International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Acessibility (W4A-ACM). 2007. p. 54-57. |
Griffiths D, Blat J, Casado F, Garcia R, Martinez J, Sayago S. Challenges in the Wider Adoption of Learning Design: Two Exploratory Case Studies. Dins: Koper R, Tattersall C (eds.). Learning Design. Berlin: Springer; 2006. p. 327-339. |
Griffiths D, Blat J, Garcia R, Vogten H, Kwong KL. Learning design tools. Dins: Koper R, Tattersall C (eds.). Learning Design. Berlin: Springer; 2006. p. 109-135. |
Sayago, S.; Blat, J.. Conducting thinking-aloud test and focus groups with the young elderly. Dins: Goodman, Joy; Dickinson, Anna; Keith, Suzette; Whitney, Gill.. Workshop on HCI, the web and the Older population. London: 2006. p. 23-25. |
Griffiths D, Blat J. é Tui: robots basados en la conducta como andamiaje para la reflexión infantil. Dins: AA.VV.. Nuevas tecnologías para la educación infantil y primaria. Madrid: Ediciones Morata; 2005. p. 52-71. |