The beginning


Current networks and associations

  • RETEM (Red Temática Española de Morfología). The main goal of the Red Temática Española de Morfología (RETEM) is to present the currently active research groups that continuously make relevant contributions to the field of lexicography, to highlight the contributions of their members –including their graduate students– and to showcase their research process. 
  • RELEX (Red de Lexicografía). The Red de Lexicografía (RELEX) brings together eight research groups from Galician universities and five from other universities that focus on lexicography as their main line of research. The aim of RELEX is to encourage lexicography as a research and teaching object in all the lines of work related to lexicography, to spread and transfer the knowledge and results obtained from these activities among the general public, to strengthen the training of lexicography teachers and researchers, and to favour the synergy and cooperation of all those who work in this field.
  • Red Temática Lengua y Ciencia. La Red Temática "Lengua y Ciencia" tiene como objetivo reunir los grupos de investigación interesados por la lengua de la ciencia y de la técnica como primer paso para hacer visible un campo de investigación con potencial de crecimiento y para incorporar otros grupos que a nivel internacional puedan contribuir a crear estructuras de investigación capaces de acudir a convocatorias de proyectos en el marco del Espacio Europeo.

  • AELex (Asociación Española de Estudios Lexicográficos) As a result of the coordination of the university research groups forming the Xarxa Temàtica de Lexicografía, the commission in charge of the organization of the I Symposium Internacional de Lexicografía wrote the first draft of the bylaws of an Association that gathered researchers, professors and professionals of this area. In a post-Symposium session (Barcelona, May 18, 2002) the draft of the bylaws was discussed and approved and the first executive board was elected with Manuel Seco as its first President (currently its honorary president).