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Diccionario de Aprendizaje de Español como Lengua Extranjera (DAELE)

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The DAELE is a monolingual dictionary for advanced students, primarily intended for production. The initial selection of entries has been made based on frequency and use criteria extracted from corpus with different types of speech. The online consultation provides detailed information and a large number of examples.

Corpus PAAU92


Online query interface: Bwananet

Aplication included in the book “El Corpus PAAU 1992: estudios descriptivos, textos y vocabulario”: Corpus92


Corpus texts in stand-off formate-repositori


The PAAU92 corpus consists of texts written by students in June 1992 as part of the entrance exams to various Spanish universities.

This corpus can be accessed through the online query interface Bwananet or through the aplication included in the book "El Corpus PAAU 1992: estudios descriptivos, textos y vocabulario", which contains the texts that have been object of analysis in the book as well as the vocabulary lists that make up the corpus.

The corpus has also been reelaborated within the framework of the Metanet4U project and is available for downloading from UPF e-repositori.