Back Art criticism and theory in Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands from 1880 to 1990. MINECO - HAR2013-48050-P

Art criticism and theory in Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands from 1880 to 1990. MINECO - HAR2013-48050-P

Art criticism and theory in Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands from 1880 to 1990. MINECO - HAR2013-48050-P

The requested project has two supplementary aims:

1) To compile thorough documentation and bibliographical information about plastic arts criticism and theory in Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands from 1800 to 1980.

2) To undertake a thorough investigation of some of the most important parts of art criticism and theory during that period of time, as well as its implications, divisions, and influences. Therefore, for example, regarding the contributions of historiography and criticism in the post-war years, the introduction of a modern conscience in the Vanguard and Noucentisme years, the internal debates regarding abstraction and compromised figuration, the emergence of what is conceptual and the crossings between ideology and creation during the Spanish transition to democracy era.

This second investigation line, more selective and of an analytical nature, has the intention to establish a methodological setting and the appropriate historiography foundations to rigorously address this important period of time in the cultural and artistic history of the country. But only a labor of investigation in both fronts, cataloging, and analysis, can generate a vision of a coherent joint vision over a medium term.


Starting date: 01/01/2014

Finishing date: 31/12/2017



Principal researchers



LARLOS, JORDI (Queen Mary University of London)
MERCADÉ CIUTAT, ALBERT (Fundació Arranz-Bravo)
MITRANI MARTÍNEZ DE MARIGORTA, ALEX (Fundació Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO)