Campus Global is the personal portal of the University. A unique space for each member of the UPF community, with custom components depending on the group you belong to and customizable based on the individual interests and needs of each user.

When can you get access to Campus Global?

Undergraduate students: from 1st September.
If you are a master’s degree or a doctorate student: the day after enrolling.

How do you get access to Campus Global?

To log on to Campus Global you will need a personal code and a password.
To obtain your personal code and your default password click on Campus Global on the top bar of any UPF webpage and follow the instructions. Remember that it is very important that you provide an email address in order to reset your password.

What do you find?

  • Communication tools :
    • Notifications: relevant official and institutional alerts related to teaching, work, organizational or operational issues of the University that can affect you as a student, PAS or PDI and, therefore, you should know.
    • News: information on activities, actions and events of an academic and institutional nature that are carried out at the University or that are related to the university world in general, of interest to you as a member of the UPF community.
    • Community: space for University forums to share opinions and messages with the members.
    • Agenda: activities of interest on the University’s institutional agenda.
  • Working tools:
    • Applications: personalized access to the applications you use most, for example: Mail and Google Apps, CAU, renewal of loaned documents, Campus Treball, etc.
    • Aula Global: direct access to the global classrooms of the subjects you are taking each term. You can also check the class schedules and the classrooms where they are taken, the academic calendar and your academic transcript.
    • Links: customizable access to the links you use most as a student, whether UPF domain or external: Student guide, grants and scholarships, etc.

In the upper menu you will find access to the Academic Secretary’s Office, the master’s degree Secretary’s Office or the doctoral degree Secretary’s Office, which you will have to use frequently to follow your studies, the Directory to contact people and services or units of the University, change of language and also support tools and functioning of Campus Global.

It is most important to enter Campus Global every day to keep abreast of all that affects you since much of the information of interest to you is only published via the personal portal.

If you cannot access Campus Global, follow the instructions in the “Need help?” section on the user identification screen.