Assessment Quizzes

This module allows the teacher to create questionnaires with various question formats such as multiple choice, true/false, matching, short answer and numerical answer. The teacher can allow multiple attempts, with questions in a random order and also selected at random from a question bank. They can also set a time limit. Each attempt is marked automatically, with the exception of ‘open answer’ type questions, and the marks are recorded in the gradebook.
See the Assessment Quizzes FAQs

Best practices and experiences

  • Come with UPF Digital Teaching Tools: a brief interview in which Merixtell Girvent, lecturer from the Department Experimental Sciences and Health, explains how she has used the Quiz tool in her classes.
  • Come with UPF Digital Teaching Tools: a brief interview where lecturer Ainhoa Crespán, from the Department of Economics and Business, talks about her experience using Quizzes for continuous assessment and final exams.
  • Fina Alemany, lecturer from the Department of Economics and Business, talks about her experience using Quizzes and Question Banks in the Aula Global.
Teaching activities:
  • Seminaris/tallers, Classes pràctiques, Pràctiques externes, Estudi i treball en grup,
Learning methodologies:
  • Estudi de casos, Resolució d'exercicis i problemes, Aprenentatge basat en problemes, Aprenentatge orientat a projectes, Aprenentatge cooperatiu, Gamificació, Flipped classroom, Aprenentatge i serveis (ApS),
Assessment methods:
  • Autoavaluació
  • Avaluació entre iguals (p2p) o co-avaluació