Face-to-face mandatory activities
Durant el primer trimestre del curs acadèmic 2022-2023, es programaran les següents activitats formatives presencials de caràcter obligatori:
Els estudiants rebran un curs de doctorat, impartit per un professor o professora de reconegut prestigi internacional (26h).
Es duran a terme tres sessions de caràcter metodològic conduïdes per professors del Departament de Dret (6h), una de les quals estarà dedicada a l’elaboració del projecte de recerca.
Other mandatory Activities
Throughout the year, other mandatory training activities will be carried out:
- In each of the first two doctoral courses students will have to attend a minimum of 5 seminars of their free choice, organized within the UCA of Law (10 h. + 10 h.). In order to accredit this attendance it will be necessary to provide the information indicated in the following form.
- In the third quarter of the year a doctoral conference will be organized to allow students to present some aspect of their research work and at the same time discuss and exchange ideas with the rest of the doctoral students in the program.