
When you have found an internship, the first thing you must do is contact the Erasmus+ internships coordinator for your studies to validate the training project and whether it is suitable for your studies. The grant can be received for both curricular and extracurricular internships. Regardless of the category, the evaluation must be included in your file. To manage this, contact the secretary of your faculty or department.

The next step is to read all the details of the rules for the 2024–2025 call.


Apply for an Erasmus+ internships grant

  1. The application must be submitted to the Electronic Headquarters.
  2. Applications that do not meet the requirements will be excluded.
  3. Attach all documents and submit your application via general submission addressed to RELACIONS INTERNACIONALS at the UPF Electronic Headquarters (read the Electronic Administration User Guide if you have any questions).

You must complete this electronic general submission indicating:

  • In the APPLICATION section: Erasmus+ internships 2024–2025 programme application.
  • To the body or service to which you address the application: INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS SERVICE.


437980580 Documents and procedures información  How 130050153 When

Application form

Authorisation signed by the Erasmus internship coordinator (UPF)

Write/fill in the document with the requested data, show the training project to your UPF Erasmus internship coordinator so that they can validate it by signing the application form.

When you apply for the grant

Training project

Write/fill in the document with the requested data, this document must be completed and signed by the entity that will host you and is what you must show to your UPF Erasmus internship coordinator so that validate your stay.

When you apply for the grant

Statement of purpose

Write/fill in the document with the requested data.

When you apply for the grant

Language certificate

Minimum B2.2 in the working language of the host company/institution

See the tables here

Have a language certificate handy to present with the application.

When you apply for the grant


Create a single .pdf file with all the signed documents and attach it via general instance through the Electronic Office.

Once you have done so, email [email protected] informing Careers Professionals that you have applied.