Telephone Answering Service (SAT)

Call us at 2000

or contact Telesor Service for people with hearing and speech disabilities

The UPF Telephone Answering Service, or SAT, operates from a single switchboard for all of the University’s buildings (93 542 20 00).


  • Mondays to Fridays (excluding public holidays): from 8:00 to 21:00.
  • During Christmas and the summer: from 8:00 to 14:00.


When are calls forwarded to the SAT?

Any external call to a UPF number is automatically forwarded to the SAT after ringing for 30 seconds.

Exceptional forwarding service

You can request that your extension be forwarded to 9001. Calls to your number will temporarily be answered by the SAT (“follow me”). How to do it

Scheduled forwarding service

You can request that the SAT answers calls when you are unable to do so or if you are otherwise engaged. How to do it


What does the SAT do for the services and units of UPF?

  • Receives calls to 93 542 20 00 and forwards them to the corresponding person or unit.
  • Takes external calls to UPF extensions which do not have an answering service and when no one is available to answer them. In this situation it will provide the opening hours, holiday and activity periods, as well as provide information in specific circumstances.
  • Sends an email with a call notification if the call cannot be forwarded.
  • Manages all kinds of external inquiries:
    • First-level information: offering a direct response.
    • Second-level information: forwarding the caller to the corresponding person or unit.


Mo. to Fr. from 08.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m.
August and Christmas period: from 08.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.

(+34) 93 542 20 00

 Service for people with hearing and speech disabilities