The mission of the Consortium of University Services of Catalonia (CSUC) includes the improvement of library, academic and scientific services through cooperation.

It’s members are the Catalan government and ten Catalan universities (UB, UAB, UPC, UPF, UdL, UdG, URV, UOC, URL and UVic-UCC).


The basic goal of the Spanish University Libraries Network (REBIUN) is to offer a stable body which represents all Spanish university libraries, in order to:

  •  Increase the level of the library infrastructure services through cooperation.
  •  Carry out cooperative actions that benefit the users of Spanish university libraries.
  •  Representation before public and private bodies.
  •  Staff exchange and training.

One of the main tools is REBIUN online which provides access to the collections of library members.

The Spanish R&D Network (RedIRIS) is the Spanish academic and research network. Today, it has 250 affiliated institutions, mainly universities and public research bodies.

It was founded in 1991, as the continuation of the special horizontal programme, IRIS, for the Interconnection of Computer Resources of universities and research centres (1988). Since 2004, RedIRIS has become an independent department with its own identity within the public corporate entity, affiliated with the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade.


The Information and Communication Technologies Sectoral Commission  (CRUE-TIC commission) is a delegate commission of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE). Its goals are expressed in different work groups:

  • Internet accessibility
  • Campus networking
  • Relations with providers
  • Free software
  • Electronic administration
  • ICT indicators
  • International relations
  • Multimedia networking


The University Information and Guidance Services (SIOU) is a work group the gathers technicians from the information and guidance services of 36 Spanish universities, and which works towards the following goals:

  • To enhance information and guidance services and their presence in university environments.
  • To identify the essential characteristics of these services, independently of their organisational structure.
  • To investigate the new realities that arise.
  • To collaborate with the decisions of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE) and the University Network of Student Affairs (RUNAE).
  • To promote the knowledge of the information and guidance services in Europe.