Back ​ProQuest Central, now​ ​within your reach

​ProQuest Central, now​ ​within your reach

The UPF Library has subscribed to this multidisciplinary database with access to all kinds of documents, it is of your interest for sure!


The Library has subscribed to a new electronic resource, ProQuest Central, a multidisciplinary and full-text database.

ProQuest provides access to 40 complete databases, with a variety of content types of more than 175 subjects fed by more than 27,000 titles, making this research resource one of the largest in the world. 

It brings together complete databases in all major areas, and provides access to millions of full-text articles from thousands of academic journals, as well as information that is not available in other aggregate resources, such as dissertations, working papers, reports (of company, market, industry, on countries), newspapers and books.

The chronological range is from 1970 until today

More information: Bases de dades (A-Z)





SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

Els ODS a la UPF
