Back New prizes to UPF doctoral students for open research data

New prizes to UPF doctoral students for open research data

UPF is announcing three prizes of 2,000 euros aimed at students who manage open research data while doing their thesis. The Library can help you in the participation process: submit your application up until 30 June


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In order to promote open science among novice researchers and stimulate the use of open science infrastructures and support services, the University is announcing three prizes of 2,000 euros aimed at students who manage open research data while doing their thesis.. 

The call is already open; in order to participate, you must meet the three following requirements:

  • Be enrolled on one of the UPF doctoral programmes or have defended your thesis during the current academic year
  • Have carried out open science actions in the process of your research
  • Have an ORCID

Submit your application by 30 June and if you need help, contact the Library.

Further information: Prizes to UPF doctoral students for open research data



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04. Quality education
17. Partnerships for the goals
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