Back MyApps, the applications you need for your studies, in the cloud

MyApps, the applications you need for your studies, in the cloud


Imatge inicial

MyApps is UPF's virtualized applications platform. A space in the cloud to access the applications that the University makes available to students for their academic activities.

Since the start of the service in September 2018, more than 100 applications have been made available to the educational community (in the Software catalog you can check which are these applications). During this time, the service has received some improvements that have given more flexibility, power, capacity and robustness.

Remember that MyApps allows you to have the applications:

  • Accessible and executable from anywhere
  • Anytime
  • From any device and operating system (computer, tablet, mobile, etc.)

To use MyApps, you only need to have an Internet connection: without having to install or download any program, you can use the applications you need for your studies.

In the MyApps User Guide you can check the details of this service.



SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

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