Back More electronics manuals, books and articles during the confinement period due to COVID-19

More electronics manuals, books and articles during the confinement period due to COVID-19

Many publishers have opened their electronic collections during the confinement period


Due to the impact of COVID-19, some publishers have partially opened their electronic collections, which are added to our Digital Library

Here is a list of the proposals we have received. They will be updated as new ones arrive.


Library online


Partial access to its catalog of publications, where you can find textbooks, books and reference works on a wide variety of subjects.




  • JSTOR 
    More book and journal titles on open access in this database specialized in humanities and social sciences.


Access to the OECD publications and also from other institutions as International Energy Agency, Nuclear Energy Agency, PISA programme and the International Transport FORUM.  Multidisciplinary, it includes more than 1,800 books, also journals and 26 statistical databases.


The platform with which we have contract access to more than 2,000 journals and 1,400 books on a multidisciplinary subjects (with special emphasis on medicine, science and technology) now offers us free access to all of their textbooks. Also to a specific portal where all information related to COVID-19 is centralized.

Free and open access to scientific papers about COVID-19.

Open access to books and papers about COVID-19.




SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

Els ODS a la UPF
