Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Faculty of Translation and Language Sciences
Undergraduate courses
- Ús Comparat ES<>CA (2021-2022, 2018-2019)
Degree in Translation and Interpreting, 20 h - Theory (1)
- Ús Comparat ES<>CA (2018-2019, 2015-2017, 2021-2022)
Degree in Applied Languages, 10 h, Seminars (1-2)
- Edició i Revisió de Textos (2021-2022, 2013-2016)
Degree in Translation and Interpreting, 10 h, Seminars (2-4)
- Llengua Catalana (2018-2019)
Degree in Translation and Interpreting, grau en Llengües Aplicades, 40 h, Theory (2)
- Llengua Catalana (2017-2019, 2015-2013)
Degree in Translation and Interpreting, 10 h, Seminars
- De los estereotipos culturales al diálogo transcultural (2018-2020)
Hispanic and European Studies Program, 44 h, Theory
Master's courses
- Teorías de la enunciación y géneros orales (2021-2022) (assignatura compartida)
Master's in Discourse Studies, 5 ECTS, Theory
- Vocabulary and Language Teaching (2017-2018)
Master's in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 5 ECTS, Theory
Teaching-related activities
- Coordinator of Dissabtes de llengües, a series of workshops addressed at high-school students (2018-2019)
- Coordinator of the mentorship program for Catalan and Spanish languages at the Faculty of Translation and Language Sciences (2016-2018)
- Coordinator of the mentorship program for French and German languages at the Faculty of Translation and Language Sciences (2017-2018)
- Examiner for Catalan at the entrance tests for the degree in Translation and Interpreting (2015-2018)
Courses taught at other universities
Universitat de Barcelona
- Introducció a la Lingüística (2020-2021); Degree in Linguistics, 6 ECTS - Theory
- Pragmàtica (2020-2022); Degree in Linguistics, 6 ECTS - Theory
Universitat Jaume I
- Interacció oral i construcció del coneixement (2019-2022); Master's in Intercultural Communication and Language Teaching, 3 ECTS, Theory
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
- Diccionarios e Informática (assignatura compartida) (2017-2022); Master's in Dictionary making and quality control of Spanish lexis, 5 ECTS, Theory
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
- Llengua catalana per a traductors i intèrprets 1 (2020-2021); Degree in Translation and Interpreting, 6 ECTS, Theory
- Expressió escrita llengua catalana (2020-2021); Degree in Phylosophy, 6 ECTS, Theory
- Idioma català per a traductors i intèrprets 1 (2019-2020); Degree in Translation and Interpreting, 9 ECTS (4,5 per semestre), Theory
- Expressió escrita llengua catalana (2019-2020); Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology, 6 ECTS, Theory
UManresa (Uvic-Ucc) / Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
- English for Health Sciences (2019-2021); Degree in Speech and Language Therapy, 6 ECTS, Theory
- English for Health Sciences (2017-2018); Degree in Physiotherapy, 6 ECTS, Theory (2)
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
- Competencia comunicativa para profesionales de las TIC (2019-2020); Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunication Studies, 6 ECTS, Theory
Universidad del País Vasco/ Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
- La enseñanza del léxico en ELE (2018-2019): Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea - Instituto Cervantes
Universitat Abat Oliba - CEU
- Curs de català de nivell A2 (2017-2018), 50 h, Theory (2)
- Curs intensiu de català de nivell C2 i de nivell B2 (2016-2017), 36 h - Theory