Vés enrere Laia Albó won the YERUN mobility award 2018-2019 and visited Maastricht University

Laia Albó won the YERUN mobility award 2018-2019 and visited Maastricht University



Laia Albó has been awarded with the research mobility award of the Young European Research Universities Network (YERUN). Thanks to that, Laia Albó visited the School of Health Professions Education (SHE), Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML) at Maastricht University (the Netherlands) from the 5th to the 12th of October 2019. During the visit, she has collaborated with Dr. Daniëlle Verstegen to co-explore the potentialities of the online tool edCrumble into supporting teachers in the design of Problem Based Learning (PBL) lessons. She also has had the opportunity to discuss the research project with several researchers (Dr. Peter van Rosmalen, Prof. Diana Dolmans and Dr. Herma Roebertsen among others) and to find future collaboration opportunities with them. 

Laia is predoctoral researcher at the UPF (TIDE research group) and is going to defend her thesis next 28th of november. Her research focuses on supporting educators in the design of complex blended learning educational practices with the help of technology. One of the outputs of her thesis has been the design and development of the tool edCrumble, a social lesson planning tool for educators.

The YERUN Researcher Mobility Awards are annual competitive awards for academics and researchers from PhDs studying at YERUN universities to early career and established academics. The programme seeks to promote interdisciplinary collaborations between young European universities through the mobility of their researchers.

Dr. Daniëlle Verstegen (left) and Laia Albó (right) at Maastricht University




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