Vés enrere Changes in the Mendeley bibliographic manager APP

Changes in the Mendeley bibliographic manager APP

The UPF Library services informs us of the following changes in the Mendeley bibliographic manager APP.


If you are using Mendeley Desktop, please follow this quick and easy 3 steps to renew the Mendeley APP and start using the new Mendeley References Manager.
  1. Synchronize Mendeley Desktop with Mendeley web (Library).
  2. Download and install Mendeley Reference Manager.
  3. Access to the new bibliography manager with your usual credentials: and you'll find your entire reference library!
Why do you need to switch to Mendeley Reference Manager new APP?
  • Since next September 1, 2022 Mendeley Desktop will no longer be available.
  • It has many advantages  (Introducing Mendeley Reference Manager)
  • you can have Desktop and Mendeley Reference Manager simultaneously on the same computer for a while but Desktop will no longer be up and running in the future
In case you need help, you can apply for it by CAU and the Library will give you the support you need.



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