Vés enrere PRBB Intervals Autumn Programe

PRBB Intervals Autumn Programe


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This autumn we are planning a full programme of online workshops for you to continue developing as a professional. You can now register for the following courses starting in September:


Navigating turbulent times: time management and resilience in science- starting the 22nd September

Discover alternative approaches to the management of your time and energy that will help you obtain greater efficiency and enjoyment of life and cope with stressful times. With Louise Schubert. More information and to register.

How to write a scientific article - starting the 30th September

Become familiar with the process of writing scientific articles for publication and learn tools for improving the quality of your writing.With Susan Frekko. For beginners/intermediate. More information and to register.




ODS - Objectius de desenvolupament sostenible:

Els ODS a la UPF
