Vés enrere SOMMa Open Science event - April 8th DTIC-UPF Barcelona

SOMMa Open Science event - April 8th DTIC-UPF Barcelona



The main program for the Open Science Day organised in the context of the Working Group on Open Science in WP4 on April 8th. Details and registration here.
The event is completely open. Feel free to distribute in your centers and collaborators. Registration is needed. 
The main activity is the session on "Incentives and recognition" to Open Science, specifically how it should (if it should) be included in assessing excellence. A perfect example is how Open Science could be part of the evaluation criteria to award Severo Ochoa / María de Maeztu accreditations. 
We have the confirmation of 3 key external speakers on policy making in EU and Spain (including the Head of Unit on Open Science at the EU), and we are waiting for the confirmation of the representatives from the Ministry.
In addition there are some parallel activities during the same day:
- Open Science Workshop run by the ORION H2020 project (coordinated by CRG). It covers the broad range of topics within OS, and is especially meant as introductory to those less familiarised with all the issues beyond Open Access.
- Presentation of the research data management protocol at DTIC-UPF and its application to a large platform by Malcolm Bain, lawyer specialised in open IPR. 
- A tutorial on Wikimedia Resources for research by Wikimedia Foundation. This is a technical work, suitable.
The session has been organised by BCAM and DTIC-UPF,  in the context of WP4 (led by ICTA-UAB), and the contributions and suggestions of several members of the WG. We hope you find it interesting!



ODS - Objectius de desenvolupament sostenible:

Els ODS a la UPF
