Vés enrere Blog your research!

Blog your research!

The workshop provided the doctoral students of the UPF Biomedicine Programme with tools to explain their research to a non-expert audience. 



On Wednesday, March 20th, it was held the workshop "Blog your research", aimed at PhD students of the UPF Biomedicine Programme who carry out their research in the centers of the PRBB. The workshop, organized jointly by the DCEXS, the Science, Communication and Society Studies Center (SCS-UPF) and the PRBB, had as its main objective to provide the doctoral students with tools to explain their research to a non-expert audience. 

In the first place Carolina Llorente and Luisa Barbosa, researchers at the SCS, offered a theoretical presentation in which they gave some advice to write posts on scientific topics in an informative format. They highlighted the importance of sharing their research with the general public and adapting the language to the readers. Some of the advice they gave focused on avoiding technical terms, using elements such as metaphors and choosing the right images. They also reviewed the organization of the text through the inverted pyramid structure. 

After that, in the practical part, the participants began to write dissemination articles about their research. They addressed issues such as public health, neurobiology, bioinformatics or nanomedicine. In this part, they also had the support of Maruxa Martínez, from the communication department of the PRBB. In the coming days, attendees will finish completing their articles. You will be able to see the resulting articles published soon in El·lipse  and the blog Biomedia Channel! The workshop was supported by the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) and The Dana Foundation.



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Els ODS a la UPF
