Vés enrere 31th January: “ Neoliberal globalization and the global reorganization of violence: feminist perspectives from Latin America and the Caribbean” by Jules Falquet

31th January: “ Neoliberal globalization and the global reorganization of violence: feminist perspectives from Latin America and the Caribbean” by Jules Falquet


“ Neoliberal globalization and the global reorganization of violence: feminist perspectives from Latin America and the Caribbean” by Jules Falquet

31th January/ Mercè Rodoreda Auditorium. Ciutadella Campus 06-08 pm

JULES FALQUET is a french feminist sociologist. Member of the CEDREF-LCSP, she teaches at Paris Diderot University in Paris, and has been living and travelling in Mexico, Central America and the reste of Abya Yala. Her more recent book, Pax Neoliberalia. P erspectives féministes sur (la réorganisation de) la violence . Paris : Editions iXe, has been published in spanish in 2017: Pax Neoliberalia. Perspectivas feministas sobre (la reorganización de) la violencia. Buenos Aires: Madreselva (where it can be read online :http://editorialmadreselva.com.ar/catalogo/feminismos-nacimiento-y-crianza/pax-neoliberalia/ ).

jules falquet