Vés enrere New Book by Alexandre Coello de la Rosa

New Book by Alexandre Coello de la Rosa

We are delighted to announce the publication of Alexandre Coello de la Rosa's new book, Jesuits at the Margins. Missions and Missionaries in the Marianas (1668-1769).



Cover Jesuits in the Margins

We are delighted to announce the publication of Alexandre Coello de la Rosa's new book, Jesuits at the Margins. Missions and Missionaries in the Marianas (1668-1769). Alexandre's book analyzes the possibilities and limitations of the religious conversion in the Micronesian islands of Guåhan (or Guam) and the Northern Marianas. Based on analytical framework that considers that frontiers are not rigid spatial lines which divide culturally different groups of people, but rather active agents in the transformation of cultures, Alexandre explores a process of missionary "glocalization" which allowed Chamorros to enter the international community as members of the Spanish colonial empire and the global communion of the Roman Catholic Church.



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