The Power of Oratory in the Medieval Muslim World, Cambridge University Press, 2012, New York, USA & Cambridge, Inglaterra, RU



Linda G. Jones and Adrienne Dupont-Hamy (eds.) Christian, Muslim, and Jewish Preaching in the Medieval Mediterranean and Europe: Identities and Interfaith Encounters, Brepols Press, Series, SERMO 15, Turhout,  2019 

Linda G. Jones and Alexandre Coello de la Rosa (eds.) Saints and Sanctity in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: Striving for Remembrance (14th to 20th centuries) , Routledge Press/ T&F, London, 2019

Linda G. Jones (coord.) La predicación judía, cristiana e islámica en el Mediterráneo medieval. Monographic volumen of the  journal, Anuario de Estudios Medievales, CSIC, Barcelona, 2012



“Abu Madyan, Shu‘ayb al-Ḥurayfish, and the Miraculous Conversion of Ten Monks to Islam: Reflections of Contacts between the Western and Eastern Mediterranean.”  Christian, Muslim, and Jewish Preaching in the Medieval Mediterranean and Europe: Identities and Interfaith Encounters, eds. Linda G. Jones and Adrienne Dupont-Hamy, Brepols Press, Series, SERMO 15, Turnhout, 2019

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“Sermo ad conversos, christianos et sarracenos: Polemical and Rhetorical Strategies in the Sermons of Vincent Ferrer to Mixed Audiences of Muslims and Christians.” Polemical Encounters: Polemics between Christians, Jews, and Muslims in Iberia and Beyond. Eds. Mercedes García-Arenal and Gerard Wiegers. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2019

“Law, Tradition, and Innovation in Islamic Preaching in the Medieval Muslim West during the Almohad Period”.  “Verbum e ius”: Predicazione e sistemi giuridici nel’Occidente medieval / Preaching and Legal Frameworks in the Middle Ages. Eds. Laura Gaffuri and Maria Parrinello, Firenze University Press, Florence, 2018

“Ambivalent Models of Manliness in Medieval Islamic Hagiography.” Religious Boundaries for Sex, Gender, and Corporeality. Eds. Alexandra Cuffel, Ana Echevarría, and Georgios Halkias, Routledge Press, London and New York, 2018

“Narrative and Counter-Narrative: Dominican and Muslim Preaching in Medieval Iberia.” The Friars and their Influence in Medieval Spain, ed. Francisco García-Serrano, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, 2018

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“The Role of Preaching in the Conversion to Islam.”  Contesting Inter-Religious Conversion in the Medieval World. Eds. Yaniv Fox and Yosi Yisraeli, Taylor & Francis, Abingdon, Oxford, 2017

“La retórica en los discursos y sermones de yihad en la época de la guerra santa en el Estrecho.” Guerra santa y cruzada en el Estrecho. El Occidente peninsular en la primera mitad del siglo XIV. Eds. Carlos de Ayala Martínez, Santiago Palacios Ontalva y Martín Ríos, Editorial Silex, Ciudad de Méjico, Mexico, 2017

“Mystical Encounters: Locating Sufis and Sufism in the Biographical Writings of Ibn al-Khaṭīb”. Encounters with Ibn al-Khatib on the Occasion of the 700th Anniversary of his Birth (1313–2013). Ed. Bárbara Boloix Gallardo. Volume monográfico de la journal Medieval Encounters, 2014

“‘Islām al-kāfir fī hāl al-khutba’: Concerning the Conversion of ‘Infidels’ to Islam during the Muslim Friday Sermon in Mamluk Egypt”. La predicación judía, cristiana y musulmana en el Mediterráneo medieval. Coord. Linda G. Jones. Monográfico de la journal, Anuario de Estudios Medievales, CSIC, Barcelona, 2012