Dr. Javier Díaz-Noci has recently published an article entitled “Cyberculture in times of pandemic: Acceleration and setback in digital adaptation”
Dr. Javier Díaz-Noci has recently published an article entitled “Cyberculture in times of pandemic: Acceleration and setback in digital adaptation”
Dr. Javier Díaz-Noci has recently published an article entitled “Cyberculture in times of pandemic: Acceleration and setback in digital adaptation”
The article, written as an essay, describes the implications that the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic has begun to cause for cyberculture and what the future trends are. Like the concept of culture, that of cyberculture, or culture of digital networks - and singularly, the World Wide Web - is a flexible concept, which includes many practices, values, and manifestations. There is also, in the background, a series of ideas that are often posited as neutral, unavoidable or technologically determinate but which, when examined, have implications for governance, the global economy, inequality and people's daily lives. The current global epidemic has revealed the extent to which some trends have accelerated in cyberspace - a truly global place in a world, the physical one, with severe mobility problems - while others, on the other hand, have manifested their weaknesses.
The text covers topics such as the concept of cyberculture, the influence of the pandemic on digital globalization, transhumanism, the impact on governance and democracy, or the dangers of deepening social inequalities and the digital divide.
This article can be found at the recent edition of the International Journal on Basque Studies.