
The Work Group on Income Inequality and Communication starts as a team os scholars and journalists concerned with the advance on income inequality in our society, and the treatment of this issue by media in a time of digital dissemination of informations. The Work Group intends to hold a couple of workshops-seminar twice a year to discuss on the different aspects of this specific topic, such as the treatment of inequality in the media, lawmaking, inequality and communication, digital social networks and the debate on inequality, and so on.

The Work Group has a goal to share experiences, both academic and in the field of media, specially digital, and to invite to our meeting different scholars and journalists concerned as we are with this issue, to improve our knowledge on what income inequality is and what is (and can be) the contribution of communication to such an important social debate. It is our intention to publish a report of every meeting freely accessible on the web, as well as some other working documents that could be produced by the members of the team.