2025 (3)Pedreschi D, Pappalardo L, Ferragina E, Baeza-Yates R, Barabasi AL, Dignum F, Dignum V, Eliassi-Rad T, Giannotti F, Kertesz J, Knott A, Ioannidis Y, Lukowicz P, Passarella A, Pentland AS, Shawe-Taylor J, Vespignani A. Human-AI coevolution. Artificial Intelligence 2025; 339(0). |
Morini V, Sansoni M, Rossetti G, Pedreschi D, Castillo C. Participant behavior and community response in online mental health communities: Insights from Reddit. Computers in Human Behavior 2025; 165(0). |
Liptak Z, Moura E, Figueroa K, Baeza-Yates R. Preface. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2025; 14899 LNCS(0). |
2024 (19)Knott A.; Pedreschi D.; Jitsuzumi T.; Leavy S.; Eyers D.; Chakraborti T.; Trotman A.; Sundareswaran S.; Baeza-Yates R.; Biecek P.; Weller A.; Teal P.D.; Basu S.; HakliM.; Morini V.; Russell S.; Bengio Y.. AI content detection in the emerging information ecosystem: new obligations for media and tech companies. Ethics and Information Technology 2024; 26(4). |
Singh C.K.; Tupikina L.; Lecuyer F.; Starnini M.; Santolini M.. Charting mobility patterns in the scientific knowledge landscape. EPJ Data Science 2024; 13. |
Paoletti G.; Dall¿Amico L.; Kalimeri K.; Lenti J.; Mejova Y.; Paolotti D.; Starnini M.; Tizzani M.. Political context of the European vaccine debate on Twitter. Scientific Reports 2024; 14. |
Baeza-Yates R.; Bonchi F.. General Chairs' Welcome. KDD: proceedings 2024. |
Baeza-Yates R.; Buslon N.. Responsible AI Day. KDD: proceedings 2024; 0(0): 6688-6688. |
Baeza-Yates R.. The Limitations of Data, Machine Learning and Us. Proceedings ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data 2024; 0(0): 1-2. |
Spaniol M, Alonso O, Baeza-Yates R. 14th Temporal Web Analytics Workshop (TempWeb) Overview. In: -. -. -; 2024. p. 1372-1372. |
Baeza-Yates R. Introduction to Responsible AI. In: -. -. -; 2024. p. 1114-1117. |
Andorra M.; Freire A.; Zubizarreta I.; de Rosbo N.K.; Bos S.D.; Rinas M.; Høgestøl E.A.; de Rodez Benavent S.A.; Berge T.; Brune-Ingebretse S.; Ivaldi F.; Cellerino M.; Pardini M.; Vila G.; Pulido-Valdeolivas I.; Martinez-Lapiscina E.H.; Llufriu S.; Saiz A.; Blanco Y.; Martinez-Heras E.; Solana E.; Backer-Koduah P.; Behrens J.; Kuchling J.; Asseyer S.; Scheel M.; Chien C.; Zimmermann H.; Motamedi S.; Kauer-Bonin J.; Brandt A.; Saez-Rodriguez J.; Alexopoulos L.G.; Paul F.; Harbo H.F.; Shams H.; Oksenberg J.; Uccelli A.; Baeza-Yates R.; Villoslada P.. Predicting disease severity in multiple sclerosis using multimodal data and machine learning. Journal of Neurology 2024. |
Di Gaetano L.; Battiston F.; Starnini M.. Percolation and Topological Properties of Temporal Higher-Order Networks. Physical Review Letters 2024; 132(3). |
Pena-Calvin A.; Saldivar J.; Arroyo J.; Hassan S.. A Categorization of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations: The Case of the Aragon Platform. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 2024. |
Portela M.; Castillo C.; Tolan S.; Karimi-Haghighi M.; Pueyo A.A.. A comparative user study of human predictions in algorithm-supported recidivism risk assessment. Artificial Intelligence and Law 2024. |
de Moura ES, Ferreira B, Da Silva A, Baeza-Yates R. BWBEV: A Bitwise Query Processing Algorithm for Approximate Prefix Search. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society 2024; 30(1): 527-541. |
Casanovas-Buliart L, Alvárez-Cueva P, Castillo C. Evolution over 62 years: an analysis of sexism in the lyrics of the most-listened-to songs in Spain. Cogent Arts and Humanities 2024; 11(1). |
Marques F.; Hernandez-Leo D.; Castillo C.. Measuring gender bias in student satisfaction in higher education: a cross-department study. Cogent Education 2024; 11(1). |
Mallinger K.; Baeza-Yates R.. Responsible AI in Farming: A Multi-Criteria Framework for Sustainable Technology Design. Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 2024; 14(1). |
Baeza-Yates R.; Fayyad U.; Fayyad U.. Responsible AI: An Urgent Mandate. IEEE Intelligent Systems 2024; 39(1): 12-17. |
Espinosa O.; Franco O.H.; Ospina M.; Carabali M.; Baeza-Yates R.. The value of mathematical modelling approaches in epidemiology for public health decision making [La utilidad de los modelos matemáticos en epidemiología para la toma de decisiones en salud pública]. Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology 2024; 52(11). |
Lusty C.; Estivill-Castro V.; Hexel R.. TTWiFi: Time-Triggered WiFi for Mobile Robotics in Human Environments. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST 2024; 527: 14-28. |
2023 (21)McColl C.; Estivill-Castro V.; McColl M.; Hexel R.. Decomposable and Executable Models for Verification of Real-Time Systems. Communications in Computer and Information Science 2023; 1708: 135-136. |
Barnabò G, Siciliano F, Castillo C, Leonardi S, Nakov P, Da San Martino G, Silvestri F. Deep active learning for misinformation detection using geometric deep learning. Online Social Networks and Media 2023; 33. |
Karimi-Haghighi M, Castillo C, Tolan S, Lum K. Effect of conditional release on violent and general recidivism: A causal inference study. Journal of Experimental Criminology 2023. |
Porcaro L, Castillo C, Gomez E, Vinagre J. Fairness and Diversity in Information Access Systems. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2023; 3442: 1-4. |
Knott A, Pedreschi D, Chatila R, Chakraborti T, Leavy S, Baeza-Yates R, Eyers D, Trotman A, Teal PD, Biecek P, Russell S, Bengio Y. Generative AI models should include detection mechanisms as a condition for public release. Ethics and Information Technology 2023; 25(4). |
Schon EM, Neumann M, Hofmann-Stolting C, Baeza-Yates R, Rauschenberger M. How are AI assistants changing higher education?. Frontiers in Computer Science 2023; 5(0): 1-9. |
Baeza-Yates R. Lecture held at the Academia Europaea building bridges Conference 2022. An Introduction to Responsible AI. European Review 2023; 0(0): 1-16. |
Bugs GT, de Araujo AS, Saez-Trumper D, Firmino R. Mapping political extremism on twitter in Brazil. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2023; 14107(0): 439-454. |
Carcamo-Ulloa L, Cardenas-Neira C, Scheihing-Garcia E, Saez-Trumper D, Vernier M, Blaña-Romero C. On politics and pandemic: how do Chilean media talk about disinformation and fake news in their social networks?. Societies 2023; 13(2): 1-14. |
Saldivar J, Rodriguez C, Daniel F, Casati F, Cernuzzi L. On the (in)effectiveness of the Share/Tweet button: A study in the context of idea management for civic participation. IEEE Internet Computing 2023; 0(0): 1-1. |
Alonso O, Baeza-Yates R, King TH, Silvello G. Preface. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2023; 3480(0): 1-2. |
Pedreira O, Estivill-Castro V. Preface. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2023; 14289(0): 5-6. |
Yfantidou S, Sermpezis P, Vakali A, Baeza-Yates R. Uncovering Bias in Personal Informatics. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 2023; 7(3): 1-30. |
Scarone B, Baeza-Yates R, Bernhardson E. Understanding Search Behavior Bias in Wikipedia. Communications in Computer and Information Science 2023; 1840 CCIS(0): 134-146. |
Aroyo L, Castillo C, Houben GJ. Foreword from the Program Chairs. In: ACM Web Conference. ACM Web Conference 2023 - Proceedings of the World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2023. Association for Computing Machinery, Inc; 2023. |
Spaniol M, Baeza-Yates R, Alonso O. 13th Temporal Web Analytics Workshop (TempWeb) Overview. In: ACM Web Conference. ACM Web Conference 2023 - Proceedings of the World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2023. Association for Computing Machinery, Inc; 2023. |
Tahaei M, Constantinides M, Quercia D, Kennedy S, Muller M, Stumpf S, Liao QV, Baeza-Yates R, Aroyo L, Holbrook J, Luger E, Madaio M, Blumenfeld IG, De-Arteaga M, Vitak J, Olteanu A. Human-Centered Responsible Artificial Intelligence: Current & Future Trends. In: ACM SIGCHI. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings. Association for Computing Machinery; 2023. |
Saldivar J, Martínez-Vicente E, Rozas D, Valiente MC, Hassan S. Blockchain (not) for Everyone: Design Challenges of Blockchain-based Applications. In: ACM SIGCHI. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings. Association for Computing Machinery; 2023. |
Aitamurto T, Royal PG, Saldivar J. Disagreement, Agreement, and Elaboration in Crowdsourced Deliberation: Ideation Through Elaborated Perspectives. In: ACM SIGCHI. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings. Association for Computing Machinery; 2023. |
Bilionis I, Fernandez-Luque L, Castillo C. A Survey on Public Data Sets Related to Chronic Diseases. In: -. Proceedings - IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems. 2023. p. 917-920. |
Trokhymovych M, Aslam M,Chou AJ, Baeza-Yates R, Saez-Trumper D. Fair multilingual vandalism detection system for Wikipedia. In: -. Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. 2023. p. 4981-4990. |
2022 (19)Szemenyei M.; Estivill-Castro V.. Fully neural object detection solutions for robot soccer. Neural Computing and Applications 2022; 34(24): 21419-21432. |
Estivill-Castro V.; Gilmore E.; Hexel R.. Constructing explainable classifiers from the start: enabling human-in-the loop machine learning.. Information (Switzerland) 2022; 13(10): 1-25. |
Hertweck C.; Castillo C.; Mathioudakis M.. Designing Affirmative Action Policies under Uncertainty. Journal of Learning Analytics 2022; 9(2): 121-137. |
Spaniol M, Baeza-Yates R, Alonso O. 12th Temporal Web Analytics Workshop (TempWeb) Overview. In: -. -. -; 2022. |
Porcaro L.; Gomez E.; Castillo C.. Perceptions of Diversity in Electronic Music: the Impact of Listener, Artist, and Track Characteristics. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2022; 6(109): 1-26. |
Portela M, Castillo C, Tolan S, Karimi-Haghighi M, Pueyo A. A. A Comparative User Study of Human Predictions in Algorithm-Supported Recidivism Risk Assessment. Cornell University; 2022. |
Estivill-Castro V, Gilmore E, Hexel R. Interpretable Decisions Trees via Human-in-the-Loop-Learning. Communications in Computer and Information Science 2022; 1741 CCIS(0): 115-130. |
Karimi-Haghighi M.; Castillo C.; Hernandez-Leo D.. A causal inference study on the effects of first year workload on the dropout rate of undergraduates. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2022; 15-27. |
Rauschenberger M, Baeza-Yates R, Rello L. A Universal Screening Tool for Dyslexia by a Web-Game and Machine Learning. Frontiers in Computer Science 2022; (3). |
McColl C, Estivill-Castro V, Gilmore E, McColl M, Hexel R. Enabling Modern Application Development with Swift on the Nao/Pepper Robots. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2022; 13132 LNAI(0): 15-27. |
Zehlike M.; Suhr T.; Baeza-Yates R.; Bonchi F.; Castillo C.; Hajian S.. Fair Top-k Ranking with multiple protected groups. Information processing & management 2022; 59(102707). |
Buda TS, Guerreiro J, Omana Iglesias J, Castillo C, Smith O, Matic A. Foundations for fairness in digital health apps. Frontiers in Digital Health 2022; 4(0): 1-15. |
Carcamo-Ulloa L, Mellado C, Blaña-Romero C, Saez-Trumper D. Galileo, a data platform for viewing news on social networks Galileo, una plataforma de datos para leer noticias en redes sociales. Profesional de la Informacion 2022; 31(5). |
Pandey R, Purohit H, Castillo C, Shalin VL. Modeling and mitigating human annotation errors to design efficient stream processing systems with human-in-the-loop machine learning. International Journal of Human Computer Studies 2022; 160. |
Saldivar J, Parra C, Laconich M, Cernuzzi L. The electoral success of social media losers: a study on the usage and influence of Twitter in times of elections in Paraguay. SN Social sciences 2022; 2. |
Baeza-Yates R, Estevez-Almenzar M. The Relevance of Non-Human Errors in Machine Learning. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2022; 3169(0). |
Lorini V, Rufolo P, Castillo C. Venice Was Flooding - One Tweet at a Time. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2022; 6(0). |
Baeza-Yates R.; Villoslada P.. Human vs. Artificial Intelligence. In: IEEE. 2022 IEEE 4th International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence (CogMI). IEEE; 2022. p. 40-48. |
Porcaro L.; Gomez E.; Castillo C.. Diversity in the music listening experience: insights from focus group interviews. In: AA. VV.. CHIIR '22: ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval;. Regensburg: ACM; 2022. p. 272-276. |
2021 (18)Aragon P, Saez-Trumper D. A preliminary approach to knowledge integrity risk assessment in Wikipedia projects. arXiv; 2021. |
Valentim R, Comarela G, Park S, Saez-Trumper D. Tracking knowledge propagation across Wikipedia languages. arXiv; 2021. |
Javaid M.; Estivill-Castro V.. Explanations from a Robotic Partner Build Trust on the Robot's Decisions for Collaborative Human-Humanoid Interaction. Robotics 2021; 10(1): 1-23. |
Ramirez-Cifuentes D, Freire A, Baeza-Yates R, Lamora NS, Alvarez A, Gonzalez-Rodriguez A, Rochel ML, Vives RL, Velazquez DA, Gonfaus JM, Gonzalez J. Characterization of Anorexia Nervosa on Social Media: Textual, Visual, Relational, Behavioral, and Demographical Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021; 23(7): 1-40. |
Porcaro L, Castillo C, Gomez E. Diversity by design in music recommender systems. Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval. Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval 2021; 4(1): 114-126. |
Ramirez-Cifuentes D, Largeron C, Tissier J, Baeza-Yates R, Freire A. Enhanced Word Embedding Variations for the Detection of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Issues on Social Media Writings. IEEE Access 2021; (9): 130449-130471. |
Miron M, Tolan S, Gomez E, Castillo C. Evaluating causes of algorithmic bias in juvenile criminal recidivism. Artificial Intelligence and Law 2021. |
Hupont I, Tolan S, Freire A, Porcaro L, Estevez S, Gómez E. How diverse is the ACII community? Analysing gender, geographical and business diversity of affective computing research. International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction 2021; 1-8. |
Rauschenberger M, Baeza-Yates R. How to handle health-related small imbalanced data in machine learning?. i-com 2021; 19(3). |
Gilmore E.; Estivill-Castro V.; Hexel R.. More Interpretable Decision Trees. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2021; 12886: 280-292. |
Yates D, Islam MZ, Zhao Y, Nayak R, Estivill-Castro V, Kanhere S. PostMatch: A Framework for Efficient Address Matching. Communications in Computer and Information Science 2021; 1504 CCIS(0): 136-151. |
Reza KJ, Islam MZ, Estivill-Castro V. Privacy protection of online social network users, against attribute inference attacks, through the use of a set of exhaustive rules. Neural Computing and Applications 2021; 33(19): 12397-12427. |
Li L, Aldosery A, Vitiugin F, Nathan N, Novillo-Ortiz D, Castillo C, Kostkova P. The Response of governments and public health agencies to COVID-19 pandemics on social media: a multi-country analysis of Twitter discourse. Frontiers in Public Health 2021; (9): 1-14. |
Lorini V, Peterson S, Purohit H, De Albuquerque JP, Castillo C, Rufolo P, Pajarito D, Buntain C. Social media for emergency management: Opportunities and challenges at the intersection of research and practice. In: -. -. -; 2021. p. 772-777. |
Seneviratne O, Singh V, Freire A, Luo J-D. WebSci 21 Companion. In: AA.VV.. ACM International Conference Proceedings Series. Association for Computing Machinery; 2021. p. 3-4. |
Solans D, Biggio B, Castillo C. Poisoning Attacks on Algorithmic Fairness. In: Hutter F, Kersting K, Lijffijt J, Valera I. Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (LNCS, volume 12458). Springer; 2021. p. 162-177. |
Solans D, Fabbri F, Calsamiglia C, Castillo C, Bonchi F. Comparing Equity and Effectiveness of Different Algorithms in an Application for the Room Rental Market. In: Marion Fourcade, Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings of the 2021 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society. Association for Computing Machinery; 2021. p. 978-988. |
Karimi-Haghighi M, Castillo C. Efficiency and fairness in recurring data-driven risk assessments of violent recidivism. In: Chih-Cheng Hung, ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing. SAC '21: Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. Association for Computing Machinery; 2021. p. 994-1002. |
2020 (31)Tsalouchidou I, Bonchi F, Baeza-Yates R. Adaptive Community Search in Dynamic Networks. In: -. -. -; 2020. p. 987-995. |
Lorini V, Castillo C, Nappo D, Dottori F, Salamon P. Social media alerts can improve, but not replace hydrological models for forecasting floods. In: -. -. -; 2020. p. 351-356. |
Estivill-Castro V.; Gilmore E.; Hexel R.. Human-in-the-loop construction of decision tree classifiers with parallel coordinates. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 2020; 3852-3859. |
Kumar P.; Ofli F.; Imran M.; Castillo C.. Detection of disaster-affected cultural heritage sites from social media images using deep learning techniques. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 2020; 13(3): 1-32. |
Johnson I, Lemmerich F, Sáez-Trumper D, West R, Strohmaier M, Zia L. Global gender differences in Wikipedia readership. arXiv; 2020. |
Baeza-Yates R. Personalization, Bias and Privacy. In: -. -. -; 2020. p. 311-312. |
Ramirez-Cifuentes D.; Freire A.; Baeza-Yates R.; Punti J.; Medina-Bravo P.; Velazquez D.A.; Gonfaus J.M.; Gonzalez J.. Detection of Suicidal Ideation on Social Media: Multimodal, Relational, and Behavioral Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020; 22(7). |
Reza KJ, Islam MZ, Estivill-Castro. Protection of User-Defined Sensitive Attributes on Online Social Networks Against Attribute Inference Attack via Adversarial Data Mining. Communications in Computer and Information Science 2020; 1221 CCIS(0): 230-249. |
Estivill-Castro V.; Gilmore E.; Hexel R.. Constructing Interpretable Decision Trees using Parallel Coordinates. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2020; 12416: 152-164. |
Ramirez-Cifuentes D, Largeron C, Tissier J, Freire A, Baeza-Yates R. Enhanced Word Embeddings for Anorexia Nervosa Detection on Social Media. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2020; 12080 LNCS(0): 404-417. |
Shakespeare D, Porcaro L, Gómez E, Castillo C. Exploring Artist Gender Bias in Music Recommendation. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2020; 2697: 1-9. |
Carcamo-Ulloa L, Cardenas-Neira C, Saez-Trumper D, Toural-Bran C. Fake news en Chile y España: ¿Cómo los medios nos hablan de noticias falsas?. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research 2020; 26(3): 320-337. |
Tan J, Noulas A, Saez-Trumper D, Schifanella R. Notable site recognition using deep learning on mobile and crowd-sourced imagery. Proceedings on IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management 2020; 2020(0): 137-147. |
Altin S, Baeza-Yates R, Cambazoglu BB. Pre-indexing Pruning Strategies. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2020; 12303 LNCS(0): 177-193. |
Rello L, Baeza-Yates R, Ali A, Bigham JP, Serra M. Predicting risk of dyslexia with an online gamified test. PLoS ONE 2020; 15(12): 1-15. |
Purohit H, Castillo C, Pandey R. Ranking and grouping social media requests for emergency services using serviceability model. Social Network Analysis and Mining 2020; 10. |
Villoslada P, Baeza-Yates R, Masdeu JC. Reclassifying neurodegenerative diseases. Nature Biomedical Engineering 2020; 4(8): 759-760. |
Rauschenberger M, Baeza-Yates R. Recommendations to Handle Health-related Small Imbalanced Data in Machine Learning. Lecture Notes in Informatics 2020; 0(0). |
Tsalouchidou I, Bonchi F, Morales G, Baeza-Yates R. Scalable Dynamic Graph Summarization. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 2020; 32(2): 360-373. |
Moskalenko O, Parra D, Saez-Trumper D. Scalable recommendation of wikipedia articles to editors using representation learning. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2020; 2697(0). |