Diletta Marcucci (since October 2022): "Urban Intercultural Governance: Exploring Intercultural Participation of Chinese Migrants in Barcelona and Amsterdam".
Ph.D. Directed
Luisa Faustini Torres (date of defense: 15/06/2021): "The Externalization of EU Immigration Policies: An Analysis of the Impacts on Countries of Origin and Transit of Immigrants in the Maghreb Region".
Leonora Torres (date of defense: 06/07/2020): "Inmigración en Chile (2013-2018). Estado, partidos políticos y políticas de integración de los migrantes".
Mohammed Hicham El-Bachouti (date of defense: 30/03/2017): "Individualization of Muslim Religious Practices: Contextual Creativity of Second-Generation Moroccans in Spain."
Juan Carlos Triviño-Salazar (date of defense: 18/01/2016): "Political Parties and Immigrant Associations: Alliances in the Presence of Politicized Immigration Conflicts at the Local Level. A Comparative Study".
Núria Franco Guillén (date of defense: 26/11/2015): "Minority Nations, Political Parties and Immigration".
Elena Sánchez Montijano (date of defense: 23/01/2015): "Gobernanza Transnacional en las Relaciones con Origen de los Inmigrantes. Cataluña en Perspectiva".
Ricardo Medina Audelo (date of defense: 14/07/2011): "Imaginario Sociodiscursivo en la Inmigración Latinoamericana de Catalunya: Propuesta para la Gestión de la Diversidad".
Anne Rienke Van Ewjik (date of defense: 08/07/2011): "Diversity in Uniform. An Exploration of Diversity and a Comprehensive Analysis of the Regional Police Forces in Catalonia and Utrecht".
Marie Curie Postdocs Supervised
Zenia Hellgren(01/09/2018 - 31/09/2020): "The Role of the Ethnic Majority in Integration Processes: Representations of Diversity in Catalan Institutions (REPCAT)".
John Palmer(01/01/2016 - 31/12/2017): "Immigrant Activity-Space Segregation: Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Assimilation and Separation in Barcelona (IASS)".
Dirk Gebhardt(01/05/2013 - 30/04/2015): "A Local Turn in Migrant Integration Policies? Local Citizenship and Integration Policy Approaches in the Context of Multi-level Governance in Europe".
Sonia Arbaci (01/10/2012 - 30/09/2014): "Neighboyrhood Interventions, and Social and Ethnic Mix: The Tackling of Urban Inequalities (Divercities)".