Fair Play. Revista de Filosofía, Ética y Derecho del Deporte es una revista electrónica dedicada al análisis interdisciplinario del deporte desde el punto de vista de la filosofía, la ética y la reflexión teórico-jurídica. Junto a la preocupación filosófica, la revista acoge también temas de índole jurídico dada la evidente conexión que surge en muchas ocasiones con las cuestiones filosóficas. La revista está dirigida principalmente a investigadores, profesionales y estudiantes avanzados. Tiene una periodicidad semestral y sus números se publican en abril y octubre.


Presentación de la revista por parte del prof. Carwyn Jones. Presidente de la  International Association of Philosophy of Sport

It is an honour and a pleasure to be associated with this new journal Fair Play, Journal of Philosophy, Ethics and Sports Law. It is a welcome edition to the small, but growing field of scholarly journals dealing with philosophical, ethical and legal issues in sport.  The journal aims to publish current and contemporary articles from philosophers, lawyers, sociologists, pedagogues, psychologists and administrators.   It will provide another platform for the rapidly expanding international and multi-lingual community of academics and practitioners to share ideas and engage in debate. As such it is the first journal to publish articles in both Spanish and English. The journal has a truly international feel with the editorial board featuring some of the foremost scholars in the field.  I look forward to reading the journal and encourage scholars to support the journal by submitting work to be considered for publication. With the support of the scholarly community the journal can establish a reputation for publishing excellent research in the field.  It has been a pleasure to see Philosophy of Sport grow as a discipline over the years and its health today is down to the hard work and enthusiasm of individuals like José Luis Pérez Triviño who seek to provide new opportunities for scholars to present and publish their work.  I wish the journal every success.


Edita: Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Director: José Luis Pérez Triviño

Subdirectores: José Manuel Ríos Corbacho, Alberto Carrio y Javier López Frías

Secretario: Luisa Gagliardini

ISSN: 2014-9255

Depósito legal: B. 2270-2013

Periodicidad: Semestral

Inicio: Abril 2013

Dirección postal: Trías Fargas, 25-27, 08225, Barcelona (España)

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Index: DOAJCiteFactor

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Constituida la Asociación Española de Filosofía del Deporte