1. What is the Practicum?
The Practicum (Practicum 1, Practicum 2) is a training unit which aims to enable students to apply in professional fields the knowledge acquired in the Master, and to acquire skills and resources for the future exercise of their profession.
The division into two subjects allows different dedication. Each of the subjects, programmed in the second and third quarters of the academic year, has a value of 5 ECTS and involves 125 hours of student dedication. Of this total, a maximum of 90 hours will be dedicated to working in the company or host organisation and the rest will be invested in commuting, as well as in the preparation and writing of an internship report.
The academic coordination of the internship is the responsibility of the student's academic tutor.
2. How and where are the internships done?
The internships are carried out in private companies, organisms and institutions or public administrations. All internships carried out in organisations outside the Universitat Pompeu Fabra are formalised through an educational cooperation agreement managed by the Servei de Carreres Professionals ( To make it effective, students must enter their CV in the intranet of the Servei de Carreres Professionals (Global Campus > Applications > Campus Treball). Before starting the internship, the student, the head of the organisation and the head of the university must sign the agreement, which must include the person designated as tutor in the host organisation. For more information on the characteristics of the agreement, the regulations, the application process and the current offers in the Servei de Carreres Professionals, please visit
The master's coordination will ensure that some internships are available for students who are unable to formalize an internship agreement on their own.
3. When is the internship done?
Although Practicum 1 and Practicum 2 are scheduled for the second and third quarters of the academic year, they can be done at the time that best suits the student and that is agreed with the host organisation. The time needed to carry them out and the dedication of the student to the other subjects of the master must be foreseen. The internship must be completed, with a written and validated report, before 30 June.
4. How are the internships evaluated?
At the end of the internship period, the student must handle a report to the academic tutor, about ten pages long, with the following contents:
1. Brief description of the organism where the internship has taken place.
2. Complete description of the tasks carried out during the period and knowledge acquired in relation to university studies: a) most common tasks, work methodology, types of texts used, types of clients, work teams...; b) relation to the studies undertaken, skills acquired, application of skills already acquired in the studies, possible shortcomings...
Overall assessment of the internship period and suggestions for improvement: assessment of the internship in relation to the studies, assessment of the relationship with the tutor of the host organism, suggestions for improvement, other comments of interest.
The deadline for submission of the report is 30 June and will be evaluated by the student's academic tutor. The grade obtained in the report will correspond to 40% of the final grade of the subject.
Likewise, the internship tutor at the host organisation must issue a student assessment report, which will correspond to 60% of the final grade of the subject. Among the aspects that can be evaluated in this report are:
1. Generic competences acquired by the students: technical capacity, learning capacity, work administration, oral and written communication skills, sense of responsibility, punctuality, creativity and initiative, personal involvement and motivation, ease of adaptation, relations with the working environment, teamwork capacity, receptiveness to criticism, capacity for autonomy and decision-making.
2. Specific skills: ability to translate/proofread general and specialised texts, skills in the search for and management of information and documentation, knowledge of professional, legal and economic aspects, rigour in proofreading and quality control in translation.