Vés enrere Congratulations to the 2022 Promotion!

Congratulations to the 2022 Promotion!


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From July 5 to July 7, 2022, the seventh promotion of the MA in International Studies
in Media, Power and Difference was graduated. Up to 38 final projects were defended
addressing core topics of our master. We want to sincerely congratulate all the new
Final projects defended:
Ambra Reijnen: “The outsider's gaze in documentary. Is a decolonial approach to
'Otherness' a possibility?” (Supervisor: Manel Jiménez)
Anna Fernández: “A Critical Approach to the Ethics of Nudging” (Supervisor: Carles
Axelle Vergnaud: “Podcasting Police Violence. Comparing traditional and alternative
news-podcast's discourses on covering police violence cases in France” (Supervisor:
Ruth Rodríguez)
Callista Besse: “You Taught Me a Secret Language I Will Speak With Everyone Else.
Origins, tools and political significance of contemporary sapphic readings with the
example of Taylor Swift fans” (Supervisor: Mercè Oliva)
Clara Esmoris: “’Tenga cuidado que un gaucho no la vaya a jinetear’: Un análisis crítico
del discurso sobre el especismo en Uruguay” (Supervisor: Núria Almiron)
Clara Sánchez Artero: “Empowering Romantic Love through Female Objectification:
Patriarchal Traps in the Film '365 Days'” (Supervisor: Pilar Medina)
Dorottya Agoston: “Involuntary celibates or voluntary terrorists? : The media coverage
of misogynistic incel mass violence in the United States, Canada, and the United
Kingdom (2014-2021)” (Supervisor: Christopher Tulloch)
Elisa Piñón: “Trans-exclusionary Feminism on Twitter: a feminist CDA on arguments
used for denying identity to trans women in Spain” (Supervisor: Frederic Guerrero)
Emma Breidi: “Online press coverage of violence against female athletes: An analysis
of episodic and thematic framing in the United States of America” (Supervisor: Pilar
Florencia Méndez: “La Cultura del Empoderamiento Femenino: El Caso De Savage x
Fenty” (Supervisor: Mercè Oliva)
Gabriela Martins Días: “Powers intertwined? Agribusiness, the mainstream media, and
the political scenario before the 2022 presidential elections in Brazil” (Supervisor:
Núria Almiron)
Hannah Kloft: “There’s More Than One Way to Peel a Potato: How speciesism is
reinforced in plant-based meat alternative marketing through the ‘overt referent’”
(Supervisor: Núria Almiron)
Hilke Schipper: “Beautiful Suffering? An Analysis On Young People’s Narratives Of
Their Experiences With Mental Illness On TikTok” (Supervisor: Mercè Oliva)

Ibon Celma: “When being pretty is a privilege: The discourse of pretty privilege on Tik
Tok and its connection with feminist debates” (Supervisor: Mercè Oliva)
Iva Genova: “The Velocity of Compassion: Civil conversations and social healing
through journalism” (Supervisor: Núria Almiron)
Jasmine Vanscoy: “The ¨Media-Incarceration Complex¨: An Examination of the
Relationship between Big Business and the Media Industry's Impact on Public
Abolitionist Thinking” (Supervisor: Manel Jiménez)
Joana Garreta: “La discapacitat a través de TikTok: una anàlisi de contingut dels vídeos
publicats per persones amb discapacitat” (Supervisor: Isabel Villegas)
Julia Klajnowska: “The Hashtag Conflict: Social Media Players in the Israeli-Palestinian
Crisis and the Battle for Public Opinion” (Supervisor: Christopher Tulloch)
Katsia Pilipenka: “The Ethics of Nudity in Sex Education Media” (Supervisor: Pilar
Larissa Deniz Saydi: “Reporting The 'Most Wanted' of Animal Kingdom: News
Coverage of Invasive Species in The New York Times” (Supervisor: Núria Almiron)
Laura Sandoval: “Descolonizando el futuro: Cine distópico y mujeres fuera de marcos
teóricos. Por un nuevo mundo más allá del colapso” (Supervisor: Pilar Medina)
Loice Baki Omolo: “#MeToo: Intersectional Invisibility in Women's social movement”
(Supervisor: Ábel Bereményi)
Maria Fierrez: “Social media as a safe space for queer latinx youth” (Supervisor: Carles
Marie Becker: “Trans* subjectivity in practice?: A qualitative content analysis of the
media representation of trans* children and adolescents” (Supervisor: Mònika
Marina Abadal: “’Els Porcs fan Salsitxes’. Estudi qualitatiu de la producció i recepció de
notícies sobre escorxadors als mitjans de comunicació Catalans” (Supervisor: Núria
Marta Luvizone: “Reversing the male gaze: Pedro Almodóvar’s cinema of women”
(Supervisor: Ruth Rodríguez)
Miriam Shulke: “Moving on from Queer Stereotypes and Post-Gay Ideals in
Audiovisual Fiction: LGBTQ+ Representation in Netflix’s Heartstopper” (Supervisor:
Pilar Medina)
Muhammad Salman: “The Effect of Social Media on Mental Health among Teenagers”
(Supervisor: Carles Roca)
Myrna Sevat: “Infected Narrations: How the Narration of the COVID-19 Pandemic in
Scripted Series Facilitates the Increase of Polarization in the US.” (Supervisor: Mercè
Noemi Prado: “Symbolic and Hegemonic Power in academic language” (Supervisor:
Carles Roca)

Rebecca Chuang: “Representing Striketober: Framing the Media’s Newfound Love for
Labor” (Supervisor: Carles Roca)
Roxane Gamper: “Feeding the world through eating the world – A critical discourse
analysis on FAO's promotion of aquaculture” (Supervisor: Núria Almiron)
Sara Mortensen: “Defund, Reform, Abolish: An analysis of the media coverage of the
police and prison abolition movement in the United States” (Supervisor: Carles Roca)
Shanmugapriya Rajasagran: “A tale of two countries: The media representation of
refugees from the wars in Syria and Ukraine” (Supervisor: Christopher Tulloch)
Sofia de Saboia Fragoso: “’I Was Born Wrong’: Sexualised Self-Presentation Of
Teenage TikTok Influencers And Its Effects On Their Communities” (Supervisor: Carles
Tamara Bachman: “‘The Sex Lives of College Girls’. A case study about sexual consent
communication in teen shows” (Supervisor: Pilar Medina)
Victoria Sanchis: “Violencia estructural en el uso cotidiano de las redes sociales:
tolerancia neoliberal, populismo y discursos de odio” (Supervisor: Frederic Guerrero)
Ysabel Cacho: “Cancel Culture in the Newsroom: An analysis of the coverage”
(Supervisor: Ruth Rodríguez)



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