The Master in Global Archaeology is a new programme. The vision of the Master is to nurture professionals and researchers interested in analysing and interpreting the main problems of today's world -both globally and locally- from an archaeological perspective.
A key strength of the programme is the combination of theoretical learning with independent research and project-based work. The specific structure of the master encourages interdisciplinary work combining core training in archaeological theory and methods, and practice-based learning through placements schemes and internal opportunities.
Teaching will be delivered through courses (where you also develop your writing and oral presentation skills), a research seminar series, and practical projects. An independent research project, which will take the form of a final dissertation, is an integral part of the programme.
The diverse research environment at Humanities-UPF and the research groups in archaeology/history will give you the possibility to access research opportunities for your dissertation.
The UPF is home to a dynamic community of archaeological researchers based in the Department of Humanities. They are active in the field with projects in Europe and Western Asia, South Asia and the Pacific, Africa and South America. The scopes of the projects embrace both the scientific and the humanistic aspects of archaeology.
All research groups involved in the Master are all recognised Quality Research Group of the local government (Generalitat de Catalunya).
Department of Humanities
Jaume I Building (Ciutadella Campus)
Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27
08005 Barcelona
(+34) 93 542 15 35