Vés enrere Cozzoli, Daniele


Departament d'Humanitats
Professor agregat

Daniele Cozzoli (1968). PhD University of Rome "La Sapienza" is senior lecturer
(professor agregat) in History of Science at UPF, where he has previously been "Juan
de la Cierva" fellow and "Ramón y Cajal" fellow. He is editor-in-chief of Centaurus.
The Journal of the European Society for the History of Science. He is also
correspondent member of the International Academy of the History of Science,
member of the International Board of the Society for the History of Humanities,
member of the editorial board of Medical History and coordinator of the UPF
Research Group in History of Modern Ccience and Culture. He has previously been
academic secretary of the IUHJVV and director of the Master's in World History, upf.
He has published two books in Italian (Il Metodo di Descartes, Macerata, Quodlibet,
2008 and Ho avuto molta fortuna Biografia intellettuale di Daniel Bovet (1907-
1992). Rome: Carocci, 2016) and articles in international journals and book chapters
on early modern oprics, astronomy and the philosophy of science, history of
molecular biology and biophysics, history of penicillin in post-war Europe and
Japan, history of tropical medicine, twentieth-century science policy and the
historiography of science.
His current research interests include acientific relations between the USA and the
USSR during the Cold War, the history of the International Biological Programme
and biomedicine and the relationship between Italian emigration and colonialism.